Important Announcement: New Tabletop Gaming Magazine

Started by sebigboss79, 28 February 2014, 02:15:40 PM

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01 May 2014, 07:17:12 PM #60 Last Edit: 01 May 2014, 07:31:52 PM by Just a few Orcs
Quote from: sebigboss79 on 01 May 2014, 02:30:34 PM
If you cannot wait until then you can still get the first issue via Premier Gaming ( at a discounted 1.20 GBP.

Seb, Really?  Surely you know the following :-

As  a wargamer :- The words "need" and "want" are interchangeable, and  "wait" does not compute in my brain.

Bought it to read in my break on shift tonight

The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


Quote from: Just a few Orcs on 01 May 2014, 07:17:12 PM
Seb, Really?  Surely you know the following :-

As  a wargamer :- The words "need" and "want" are interchangeable, and  "wait" does not compute in my brain.

I apologize for the nonsense I said. How it came out of my mouth is beyond me  :-[

;) Hope you have fun. Critique and feedback on PM appreciated, that goes for all those who buy it.

Russell Phillips

Quote from: sebigboss79 on 01 May 2014, 02:30:34 PM
Just came off the phone with a number of people. TT Gaming will be launched May 12th 2014.

Very pleased to see this. I've been sharing the link around various social media sites.
Russell Phillips
Books and articles about military technology and history


Officially my baby now:

Ready for sale as soon as Wargamevault approves. I am still working on a print version but my printer is a pain in the.... :'(



Issue 2 is available now.

There have been some changes at TT Gaming. I am still struggling with the printers to get a magazine printed but we will get there eventually. The printing service at WargameVault is easier to deal with than the previous service. There is also good news concerning prices. The pdf version remains at 1.20 GBP now and issue 3 will be even 0.99 GBP! The change of printing service has lowered the cost and I hope I can achieve 6 GBP for the printing magazine so both e-Readers as well as those in preference of a hardcopy can enjoy savings I pass on.

Contentwise I have removed the news section and will publish news on my blog now ( News omitted from the magazine itself frees a lot of hassle for the publishing side and putting them on my blog instead gives readers their newsfix in a way I believe to be more convenient and up to date than a (printed) magazine could.

In issue 2 you will find a review about "Kometenmelodie" a 6mm skirmish game together with BatRep and Project Diary. Good news for all the GW fans among us. There is limited GW coverage with a project on Space Wolves. In future there will be further projects and reviews of Games Workshop products. There is significant public interest and as a journalist it is my duty to satisfy that.

With respect to Games Workshop and without any formal agreement I refer any customer in need of a wider GW coverage to try their own publications, join forums and visit their homepage. Unfortunately GW IP policy and its enforcement leave little room to manoeuvre.

There is also an interview, another review of Army Painter products and and and....

But now enjoy your read and as always happy to hear feedback.


I have just ordered my proof copy of issue 2 and if all goes well should have it within a week. Pending no changes you will be able to order a printed magazine within two weeks from wargamevault.

I am still trying to sort out the international amazon stuff for issue 3 or 4 onward but at least now the kaffaff of "cover/file rejected" can be circumvented. Not ideal to have the magazine out as pdf first and then printed but what can you do....


TT Gaming the Hobby - Magazine Issue 2 is now also available as print from WargameVault.

Issue 3 onward should be available from Amazon a few days after general release of the PDF (still WGV).

We are looking at 3D printing and design, an interview with John Bear Ross will offer us even more insight and we try answering the question whether Space really is the final gaming boundary or can the latest X-Wing finally make it a popular area of tabletop gaming.

Another hot news has been released a few hours ago on my blog :)


Issue 3 now on sale in WGV

and *drumroll* via Amazon in 3-5 business days with ISBN  978-1500174262.

Enjoy your read gentlemen



Issue 4 of TT Gaming visits the Dark Ages with the 28mm Skirmisher Valhalla. There is armybuilding and an interview with Valhalla creator Paul Brook.

There are additional interviews with Mark Austen from Wytchfire Studio and Phil Lewis, former jack-of-all-trades at Games Workshop.

We are also looking at Forgeries and Dead Games more intensively. Why are there forgeries? What is a Dead Game and why should you play one?

Happy reading and may the dice rolls be your friend.
