books for sale

Started by sultanbev, 07 July 2010, 05:09:22 PM

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I have these duplicate books for sale:

Osprey NV13 Scorpion Recon Vehicle 1972-1994, C Foss, S Dunstan £5 + p&p

Greenhill Military Manuals Infantry Support Weapons IV Hogg(2002) £3 + p&p

Napoleon's Army Col HCB Rogers, Purnell Books Service (1974) £5 + p&P

Combat Fleets of the World 1988/89 Conway books £15 + a shedload of p&p, it's heavy!

No Paypal, cash/chq/PO/IMO only, postage at cost of your choice (2nd class, 2nd class recorded, Special Delivery, etc)

Or will swap for unpainted 15mm Napoleonic/Revolutionary wars infantry and cavalry in bicornes at 15p/30p foot/cav rate respectively
