Pendraken Dungeon Pack - Coming Soon!

Started by Leon, 27 June 2010, 08:39:41 PM

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Hi Leon,

This is just great news! I already have my dungeon collection pretty complete, but for those wanting get into dungeoncrawls in this scale, this dungeon pack will make the whole thing seem less overwhelming. I hope Steve is still working on his world ideas, battle rules, etc. Maybe it's just my imagination, but Pendraken really seem to have kicked into high gear the last few months: a new website, active forum, rules, loads of great new's fun to watch (and to be a part of, in a small way). Keep up the great work!


Quote from: arundel on 02 July 2010, 01:05:24 PM
Maybe it's just my imagination, but Pendraken really seem to have kicked into high gear the last few months: a new website, active forum, rules, loads of great new's fun to watch (and to be a part of, in a small way). Keep up the great work!

Thanks for that!  It is indeed all systems go at Pendraken, as you say, with loads more to come over the coming months! - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


I hope Steve is still working on his world ideas, battle rules, etc

Hi arundel,

Yes, indeed I am  :)

Only reason I`m so quiet at the moment is that I`m a bit snowed under. There`s two novels (being written simultaneously... one very overdue to go to print), and on the gaming front, I am working on a new set of rules, including some historical fiction to go with it (a bit like G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T`s “The Adventures of Victoria Hawkes”)  - the ECW part is complete, but I thought I`d go the whole hog and include lots of Imagi`nation ideas into it as well and make it a full play package.

Dungeon World, AS a world campaign, is coming on slowly and at my own gaming pace pretty much, no hurry for that right now and should be ready by Christmas... I think that will be a really super hardback when it’s all put together; but in truth the wargaming side takes a back seat to trying to make a living from my real work of writing books - I`ll be the next Stephen King yet (yeah right, in my dreams lol). The wargaming/rpg side of things is really just something I do for pleasure because I`m passionate about my hobby; always have been since I entered the world clutching a packet of Airfix figures in each hand.

... on top of this I`m struggling (and sinking) in a web design course at college, so all in all, my brain hurts with things floating about up there. I`m actually not getting many night`s full sleep, because I keep waking up in the middle of the night with chapter ideas and have to get up to jot them down before I forget everything... this inevitably ends up with me sitting at the puter writing reams and reams of pages for which ever thing it is that has struck me and needs writing down, all in the wee hours with a candle burning lol.

Yes, Dungeon World IS happening, and will be available as soon as I feel its presentable and ready for others to enjoy. Right now it’s just a collection of ideas and images which needs to be focused and fused into a workable whole.




The Rules have been put into a booklet, to go to the printers tomorrow.  All the Monster/Hero stats sheets have been done, and we are almost there!  I'm hoping to release the Dungeon Packs this weekend! - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


do we know how much yet, id like to order one, :)


Excellent - looking forward to this release...



I am now clean out of 'credits/beer tokens/favours' with the wife so may well have to resort to getting this sent to work and somehow misplacing the bank statement for the twenty first month in a row :o

Wish I was a hypnotist ;D
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Look into my eyes,  :o :o :o , yes you want to buy 10mm, 10mm is the best, get the dungeon impress your freinds.  And wake up.


Hi Steve,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to your comments of the 3rd! Well, it's great to hear you are still percolating on ideas for dungeon world (though I totally understand that work needs to come first!). It's funny you mention Victoria Hawkes; I always enjoyed the approach of combining background stories to one's gaming experience. One thing that has always kept me from a lot of gaming at our local shop is the sheer randomness of a lot of the gaming. What I mean by that is the typical game played by the Warhammer 40k guys: "I'll bring my Orcs and you bring your Eldar, 2000 points, and let's get to it!" I really prefer some kind of scenario, some context to what is going on. I guess I'm just not by nature a tournament player-certainly the Warhammer universe ITSELF has a lot of material for scenario driven games.

Anyway, keep at it and keep us posted on developments. I'm off to work on some of my dungeon stuff!

(I'd still love to see pig-faced orcs) ::)


it's great to hear you are still percolating on ideas for dungeon world (though I totally understand that work needs to come first!). It's funny you mention Victoria Hawkes; I always enjoyed the approach of combining background stories to one's gaming experience.

Hi arundel,

Yeah I completely know what you mean about the Warhammer and WH40K guys. It`s never ceased to amazed me that a world mythos as rich and diverse as the boys over at GW have created over the last 20 odd years can be so incredibly misused and secondary for the majority of players out there who play within it... whereas it’s a multi-verse screaming out with neon lights pointing at itself, saying "I`m a rich tapestry of ideas just waiting to be moulded into a narrative campaign" Heck, there`s even a load of fictional novels to support the game, but no...  the world is STILL used as a mere back-drop for painting uniforms and pseudo historical interest wrapped around Chapter collection and hastily thrown together hybrids of notions concocted to allow random games (as you say) "I'll bring my Orcs and you bring your Eldar, 2000 points, and let's get to it!" What a total waste of what could be and should be total gamer emersion, and a genius bit of world creation.

As for Victoria Hawkes, wow that single novelette is a real little gem, isn`t it  :). In fact I thought it was so extraordinarily well done, unique,  and amazingly conceived that I got in touch with Chris and Buck and I put together a G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. interview for TTT:

I`m hoping to go a step further with the Dungeon World Campaign idea, but am taking it nice and slow to ensure each step is exactly what I want and fits smoothly and seamlessly within a non restrictive, yet semi generic mythology, which allows individual gamers to tailor the world the way they like.

Fingers crossed, it will be complete soon-ish  :-X :-\


That's a great interview  8)

When's the Compendium out then? Sounds tempting...


Ooooohh!! Do want!! In my basket for my birthday! ^^
The shadow of a man can never stand up and walk on its own.