'First Look' at the new Mongols!!!

Started by Leon, 05 September 2013, 01:45:05 AM

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What's the reference for this funny hat? He looks more like a 16th century Stadiot  ???
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11 November 2013, 05:53:55 PM #181 Last Edit: 11 November 2013, 05:57:44 PM by Ithoriel
Pretty sure any of the three could represent him at some point in his career, however the one of the left looks like it's based on the same source as this:

There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Genghis is on the left, then Subedai, and Jebei on the right hand side.

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QuoteTechno wrote:
Other note.....The keshik ?
Got a photo of what I'm guessing is a 'reenactment' group, which have a couple of bodyguards standing in front of the representation of a General or GK.....Alternative enough armour to make them different from the rest of he cavalry.....Unless anyone can pop up a decent pic.....
What is everyone expecting them to be armed with ?
I've looked on the net but can't find anything that seems useful at all. (unless I've got the spelling down incorrectly ?)

the keshik or kesig were armed with spear, bow, sword and possibly a shield. Carpini notes that shields were only used on parades or when guarding the khan. The fighting arm all rode armoured horses, possibly of different colours for each unit. If you can get hold of a copy (local library is the best bet for an Inter Library loan because on Amazon it is going for £254!!!) of Hsiao Ch'i-ch-ing, the Military Establishment of the Yuan Dynasty he has info on them. I know this won't matter to casting but they all wore blackened armour edged in red -even the horse armour. some of it may have been plain leather while others may have had metal or lamellar pieces attached. The armour was only on the head, chest and sides of the horse round to the saddle.

So, any armoured horses in the offing?

Also brings me on to my next point. Lovely little models as I said earlier...but...Mongols rode with very high stirrups so the leg was bent at right angles and yours are almost straight. Won't stop me getting some though.

Hope this helps.

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I ripped off artistically reinterpreted what appears to be a massive statue of the man...There were just SO many differing 'concepts' to be honest.....But I hope you like him.
Cheers - Phil


I could only find one 're-enactment' picture Mick, and based my versions on those..
In the end I tried to make them look 'different enough' from the other cavalry....But still holding on to what I think is the 'spirit' of the K.

Armoured horses.....Up to Leon. ;)

Leg angles ?.....Difficult to be really precise when you have to 'mess around' with proportions on the figures at this scale, I fear.....Sometimes it can work so they come out 'just so'......Sometimes it'll make the figures look simply wrong.....But glad you like them enough to indulge in a few.  :)
Having said that.....Useful info Mick...Thanks !

Cheers - Phil

Matt J

looking again at the greens most of the legs seem to be bent at 90 degrees or near to it. IIRC on 10mm any horseman needs to ride with high stirrups or their legs fall off in the casting (I have a batch of Norman knights that appear to have suffered from not following this principle).

armoured horses would be nice though  :D

2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
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2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
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Steve J

QuoteGenghis is on the left, then Subedai, and Jebei on the right hand side.

What happened to Zebedei? ;) :D. Sorry, just couldn't resist :P


Absolutely beautiful!  Im not into the Mongols, so I didnt get in on this, but Im starting to wonder if I should have!


Quote from: Steve J on 12 November 2013, 07:42:29 AM
What happened to Zebedei? ;) :D. Sorry, just couldn't resist :P

Did anyone else read that in a Brummie accent?  :P


Didnt they make a film about of them returning from the wars..Return of the Jebei or something
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


Quote from: Sandinista on 12 November 2013, 04:59:33 PM
Did anyone else read that in a Brummie accent?  :P
Nope .... I hadn't.... but I have now. :)
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


On a more possibly frivolous note, have you any intention of making Kublai Khan's four elephant command position?

Details here:


and here


  :D :D :D :D :D
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2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


Quote from: Subedai on 12 November 2013, 07:16:05 PM
On a more possibly frivolous note, have you any intention of making Kublai Khan's four elephant command position?

Details here:


and here


  :D :D :D :D :D

Don't know what Leon's plans are but I'm bloody going to! ;)

Dave Fielder

Didn't Zebedei go to bed? :-\
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis