
Started by Techno, 02 April 2013, 02:02:17 PM

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Steve J

Oh these are very nice indeed and good timing for my DBA army planning :).


Excellent, looking good!

Quote from: Techno on 14 May 2013, 03:16:09 PM
May have to tweak a couple of these after Dave has seen them.....Not absolutely convinced that those might not cause moulding problems. :-\

The only ones which might cause a problem would be:

- the firing archer, who will need a feed into the bottom of his bow.
- the second warband guy with his spear up, the spear may need to be a bit more in line with the figure, but we should be able to turn it on it's side for moulding.
- the chucking spear warband guy, we sometimes have trouble getting the metal into the back end of the spear on those poses. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


I'll run a couple of small feeds in Matey ! ;)
I'm sure our esteemed forum members won't mind snipping those out.....Or am I wrong chaps ? :-\

Second warband guy ?
He's one of the ones I was worried about.
See what you think when you see him 'in the putty'. ;)
Cheers - Phil.


Excellent work! No armoured warriors?


At the moment the only armoured chaps will be the cavalry P.
Probably do some conversions on the existing figures, if that's what Leon wants. ;)
Cheers - Phil.


Very nicely done Phil  8)

Steve J

Snipping feeds off not a problem at all :).


I do like the overall look of these.

There are a couple who look a bit flat - but it may be angle of the photo, as it is very square on.

Slinger - facing forwards - he looks a bit static - as he is in the act of launching his sling, perhaps leaning forward a bit, or one leg forward a bit?

Naked guy running - his back leg looks a bit long (this is a bit like some of the older ancients figures, who have a very long running leg).

Naked guy with sword and shield up - one of the ones who looks quite flat

Bottom row
Guy throwing spear (3rd along ) - one of the flat ones.

Standard Bearer - could the standard be a touch taller?

Hope the above is helpful (its meant to be!)

As to feed lines - happy to have these if they ensure better castings. I've cleaned up enough WM strips that have endless worms on them, that Pendraken figures seem very clean in comparison.
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Hi Fred.

I see what you mean about the 'flats'.....The pose in each is very much in 'one plain'.
A compromise for casting as much as anything else.
There are bits of those that would be a bit too delicate to get through the pressing if I tried to be too 'cute' with the poses.

BUT.....Your points have given me some belting ideas of how to 'cheat' with them once they've been pressed the first time.
Give some more variations at basically no extra cost to Leon......Huzzah.

As is, the standard bearer will probably have to stay for now.....I based/sized him on a reference drawing which I believe is historically accurate.....But I can always change him once pressed...That'll give me a better idea of how far I could take the height of the standard and still make him castable.
(If I made it too tall there would be a really weak point just below the banner.)

The slinger ?
Might have been better to use a differently posed dolly for him.....Hey Ho !....I'll bear that in mind.

Running man ?.....That may be the angle of the photo.....But of all the dollies I made for Leon, that's one of my least favourites.
Might have to tweak one of those dollies and ask Leon to cast some more up. :-\

Yes....Feedback like this is very useful....So thanks....It all helps !! :-bd
Cheers - Phil

Steve J

QuoteI see what you mean about the 'flats'.....The pose in each is very much in 'one plain'.
A compromise for casting as much as anything else.
There are bits of those that would be a bit too delicate to get through the pressing if I tried to be too 'cute' with the poses.
On figures such as these, I tend to bend the arms etc on the castings to add some variety to the poses. Once grouped together they do look different, even though they are the same figure.


Quote from: Steve J on 15 May 2013, 08:36:11 AM
On figures such as these, I tend to bend the arms etc on the castings to add some variety to the poses. Once grouped together they do look different, even though they are the same figure.

So.....You're a mind reader are you Steve ? ;) ;D (Keep it quiet....I might have got away with that ! ;D ;D ;D)
Cheers - Phil.


Nicely done Phil! These will make good looking warbands.

Regards, Rob.
"What's taters, precious? What's taters, eh?"


Great bunch of figures Phil 8) I'm looking forward to these, and hopefully some armoured ones in the future.




I supposse there is a chariot projected too?


Oooooh......That's a very good point. :-\
Let me do some checking P.
Cheers - Phil.