Falkland's 'infills'.

Started by Techno, 02 April 2013, 01:24:31 PM

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Thanks Dougie.
Cheers - Phil.


Very nicely done, Phil, very nicely done indeed  8)

I'm not going to be able to resist this range for much longer...'specially with those Gurkhas: top-notch, mate, top-notch  :)


Thanks Nik.
(You know you want to really;))
Cheers - Phil.


Yeah - I know; I've been waiting for these since about 2005 when playtesting started on Cold War Commander...and the range is just about there now  8) :D 8)


Hopefully have the remaining 'infills' (and tweaks) for the British troops photo'd and posted in the next few days.
Only one that's really taking extra time to do is the GPMG on the tripod.

Might as well ask folks' opinion here......

The front leg of the tripod has to be filled in from 'the ground' up, as it's a particularly thin piece and potentially a swine for Dave and Leon to mould easily.
If I model a little 'scrub/grass' as the filler, will you all be OK with that......Or will everyone go "YUK!" ? :-\

Cheers - Phil.


Could get wawy with sculpting supporting sandbags.........




Now that's probably a much better idea !
Thanks Ry ! :-bd


Hi Phil

Very nice work the guns are 2 days away from completion thats the Argie and British one
so keep up the good work I really like the figures



Get your bum over the hills sometime next week then Mart !  ;) ;D
We can photo the British chaps 'in situ'.
Then I can start on the Argies.

Cheers - Phil


Quote from: Rob on 02 April 2013, 06:19:06 PM
3. Not sure if the figure is meant to be moving but a weapon like this will be fired from a stationary position. To be honest unless he is standing behind something and needs to stand he will fire either from the kneeling or prone position.

4. I don't think his personal weapon would be slung over the same shoulder where there is going to be a back blast, it's also likely to slip off slung like that. If slung it would be diagonal either across the back or even across the front. More likely he will have the weapon on the ground if kneeling or prone so he can quickly pick it up after he discards the spent 66.

Cheers, Rob  :)

Techno please donot do a prone one after having personally trained and fired these things you dont do it prone unless you have a passion for having your legs becoming somewhat crispied, always fired kneeling or standing and they are a b*tch to actually fire


Hi Rex.

I'm guessing you mean the LAW 66mm.
Sorry....There is already a prone chappie.....BUT...I have him angled so the 'back-blast' wouldn't scorch his bum.
He's almost firing at 90 degrees to his torso, which I hope would give some sort of 'realism' to the figure. ;)
Cheers - Phil.


I dunno....I leave photobucket alone for 4 whole days....and they go and change things around AGAIN..... >:(...I'm FAR too ****ing old for this... ;) ;D ;D ;D

OK.... Top piccy....GPMG on tripod...The dark/shiny lines are where I'm going to 'ream off' the red putty to save Dave and Leon on metal....It's a two part model...The loader is completely separate with a 'nipple' under his knees that fits into a hole on the base.....I think this is 'castable' as is for Leon and Dave and should be very easy to assemble.

Underneath is the 'completed' 'generic' British artillery crew.....'spotta'.....loader....'carrying shell'....'firer'.

Cheers - Phil.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Sorry Phil - those gunners look a WWII - the helmets are a bit soup plate rather than Turtle.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Flare them a little Ian ?
Might be the angle I photo'd them at.
Wouldn't take a moment....Let me know Matey. ;)
Cheers - Phil.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Probably better to do em in Berets - otherwise should be lower at rear and have an angled set going down front to rear. I know a photo would help but lack the technology  :-[- sorry. Also not certain which helmet was used in the Falklands.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021