What made you choose Pendraken?

Started by ryman1, 01 April 2013, 06:53:55 PM

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I've found it making the best 10 mm figures.
And later - having the best customers service.

wargaming in 10mm

2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

Steve J

I made the switch from 15mm to 10mm about 4 years ago. I'm now selling off my 15mm stuff and concentrating on 10mm. Why?

- Quality figures.
- Great price.
- Outstanding customer service.
- Great range of figures.

goat major

I wanted to do AWI in a smaller scale. Bought some Baccus figures and wasn't impressed and then I came across Clibs pictures of his painted British sculpts and couldn't believe how good they were. When the figures arrived in the post they were even better than I'd thought. the customer service was really good and from that I joined the forum and discovered that the inmates were very friendly and only bonkers in a harmless way  :)
My blog: https://goatmajor.org.uk/
My twitting: http://twitter.com/goatmajor

2014 Painting Competition - Winner!


I was lured in by the Aliens and Colonial Marines range via BKC forum and FWC (Future War Commander) which I wrote the Colonial Marines/Aliens army lists for.

Since then I have collected at least five armies from the medieval ranges, matching ECW armies, Polish/Lithuanian Commonwealth Army, Normans, Saxons and Vikings, Thirty Years war, Napoleonic and SCW.

I have pretty much everything I need for 'now' but will be back for Falklands Range once the argies get bulked out and LOA when the range is complete.

I keep coming back because customer service and friendliness here is top notch ;)
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


first I was interested by the SCW range..
Then I realized how great it was !
And now I really like how it looks on my table : fire ranges are more realistics.


I painted some late Romans and was so impressed with the quality of clibs sculpting i looked into other sculpts he had done and chose AWI. A first for me in this period and am now intending to build up armies to game with myself,( another first ) as never rolled dice in anger before. Secondly the great value for money, very impressed with the £25 pack deals of which i have just about finished my first pack so will put a few pics on tomorrow. And last but not least the great service, so a very happy customer  :D looking forward to my next figs arriving.

2013 Painting Competition - Winner!
2014 Painting Competition - 2 x Winner!
2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


I first bought Pendraken way back in the early days of creation near the hydro thermal vents I was at a show possible Allumwell in ts old location and bought a fantasy army for each of my 4 sons

Me I am slowly working on French Indian Wars using British Grenadier  28mm base and ground scale so about 12/14 figures per base instead of 4 so a 16 figure regiment is about 48/50+ figures looking good so far(1 regt finished)



Began assembling Marlburian armies in the mid nineties - initially with Irregulars but switching to Pendraken when I found that the  figures were better and the range larger. Did Blenheim for the club's 2000 convention game, for which I provided all of the figures, and which required long hours of additional painting. I well remember Dave coming across to the game at Broadsword that year and showing me the newly re-designed early tricorn figures. I think that's when I started losing my hair....  ~X( 
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Steve J

QuoteI really like how it looks on my table

Forgot this one, but agree that the look is much better 8).


I,ve been modelling in this scale since I was a kid with N scale model railways.

Back in the '90s I decided I wanted a change from 28mm wargaming and 10mm just made sense. I emailed every 10mm wargames manufacturer I could find and asked them to send me some samples. Dave was the only one who did, and I've never veered from Pendraken since.

Never been diappointed either with a purchase or service since, so cheers Dave and Leon  :-bd


I started buying Pendraken because they fit well in beside Magister Militum  ;)

That's not strictly true, I apparently bought loads of Pendraken many years ago, but they lay neglected in a box until my interest in 10mm reappeared recently - when looking for additional minis to fit with my new MM I discovered all sorts of goodies! The newer Pendraken sculpts are my first choice now, hoping there will be more of them in the Ancients ranges...


I'm struggling to remember exactly - about 10 years ago I discovered Warmaster and GW's 10mm figures. I bought various GW figures off eBay - then discovered Pendrakens fantasy ranges. Then added WWII stuff, I think probably because the price was so good, then the quality is good too - WWII did lead me to other manufacturers.

But I have continued to buy lots of Pendraken especially the newer ranges, such as the Late Romans and LoA figures (and older stuff like Lizardmen).
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at http://www.Etsy.com/uk/shop/ISCHIOCrafts


Like other folks found the AWI line, bought some and found out how wonderful the figs were.  Then decided to do large WW2 battles and what better way then 10mm.  Which lead to a never ending WW1 and thoughts on a ACW western campaign .......

Plus the customer service is top notch  :D


Like Howayman I started with Skytrex armour but didn't like the infantry. Got some Wargames South troops but they weren't a lot better back then and I let the scale drift. Then I refound  soem models when going through old boxes of stuff and decided to see what was available now.  Found this site and was wowed by some of the painting jobs I saw (level way beyond me but inspiring nonetheless) and decided to indulge myself with restarting Napoleonics, something not played since schooldays.  Always liked the spectacle but getting enough figs on the tbale was always a problem, both aesthetically and financially - Pendraken provided the answer.

Also rekindled my ECW interest. This had always been a problem in other scales with pikes either too long or too short, not enough choice in ranges etc. Once again 10mm seems to fit the bill.

Needless to say like others here my magpie like wargames mind has since leapt to other ranges and projects, long considered and never embarked upon, due to cost and space. Currently have WWI German infantry division ready for basing and priming and at the paperwork stage of a Culloden army, all from Pendraken.

Have to say that the Pendraken service is second to none and I've been buying tiny shiny men for more than 30 years :o The forum is also one of, if not the, friendliest i've found. These two points are also very important. It's not every manufacturer that will bag up a unit to your specifications and dispatch the same day. :) Much better than the traditional buy a bag of 6/8/10 and one day you'll find a use for the spare figs way of doing things :D


I started with Franco-Prussians in the early 90s, since which time I've added 1866 Austrians and Saxons, WWI Eastern Front and Russian Civil War, Italian Condottiere, Republican and Early Imperial Romans, Sassanids and Feudal Western Europeans. I like the scale as it works very well with 6mm scenic items which allows forn quite an extensive battlefield. I also like to use Pendrakenn as they are generally well-sculpted, robust and easy to paint. I have almost completely abandoned 15mm now (apart from ACW) and have a number of future Pendraken projects in mind, especially the expansion of my DBA armies for larger campaigns. :-bd
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!