WSS 'Characters'

Started by Last Hussar, 29 May 2010, 10:22:43 AM

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I have them, and they have real personality.  I'd have to say Zeiten is the only one I could look at on the table top and say "that can only be him!"


18 June 2010, 07:41:49 AM #16 Last Edit: 18 June 2010, 07:45:42 AM by maciek
And here is my conversion of SYW 1. I only added a big wig.

Danish lieutenant general Scholten (commander of Danish contingent at Blenheim). Uniform is based on my "educated guess". He wears a red jacket, typical for Danish high officers of the period, and a light blue sash of the Order of Elephant.

wargaming in 10mm

2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


And very spiffing he is too  8)