Land Rover's, Cent's and a Pink Panther!

Started by Leon, 13 February 2013, 09:06:54 PM

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As mentioned elsewhere, mart678 has been busy working on another load of vehicles, which arrived with us here earlier this week.  This lot contains several LWB Land Rover variations, along with the Pink Panther variation which was requested a while ago.  As well as those, we've also got everything needed to put together Centurions from MkIII right through to Mk thirteen!

Also in this lot is a cracking traction engine, which I didn't dare put together for photo'ing as there are so many bits!  So, I've included one of Mart's pics instead!

LWB Land Rover - Open / Soft top / Hard top / Ambulance:


Pink Panther:

Traction Engine:

And finally, here's one of Mart's pics of the Centurion, with some teasers hiding in the background... Can anyone tell what they are?

Hope you like them!

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Steve J

The Centurion looks really good 8).

I cab see a T-55ish type Russian tank, an inter-war armoured car, a WWII Russian light tank (BT series) and possibly a Carden-Lloyd tankette? Maybe wishfull thinking on the last one!


Lancia 3RO + 90mm, M11/39, T-55, Austin-Putilov or -Garford armoured car for Russian Civil War, can't tell rest


Thanks Leon

Will try to get another photo account

Steve J
Correct on 2

Correct on 4



Modular Centurion - excellent, even Ian Shaw will be happy! it looks the bizz actually. Having seen all the various 6mm Centurions, I think it is actually a hard tank to get right as a master.

Others may be Humber Light Recce Mk.III, possibly Archer, and a fully tracked tractor a la Stalinets but towing a trailer, Cletrac or something like that.


Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Best regards,


Steve J


Loved the traction engine - perfect for Boer War

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Thought Leon had stamped on traction engine. Needs 3-4 wagons as well, and an armour kit.  :D

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


I see the top Centurion has the rare L-zero gun.  :D

Great work, Martin. Any more like that and I shall be seriously tempted.  =)
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


The Cent looks a seriously good model. It looks heavy and threatening. 

Cheers Rob :)


14 February 2013, 10:29:13 AM #12 Last Edit: 14 February 2013, 10:32:12 AM by Rob
Pink Panther again looks seriously good.

Will the extra kit such as cam-net, bergens and other bits and bobs be moulded as part of the vehicle or will they be separate? These items are very useful for individualising all models so it would be useful to have them available also as a separate item.

Will the finished model have GPMGs?

Cheers, Rob  :)


14 February 2013, 10:40:24 AM #13 Last Edit: 14 February 2013, 10:42:27 AM by Rob
A point on the LWB landies.

They all have boxes on the front wings. These boxes are for FFR landies (fitted for radio) only. That is they are command vehicles.
If moulded separately to fix to the model that would be great, but if moulded as part of the model then not so great. The ambulance body model (bottom one) would never have them.

Cheers, Rob  :)


Ok I shall answer a couple of the questions
1 the Lwb have the radio boxes fitted as it is easyier to remove them than glue them on! it will only take 2 minutes to remove but 10 to glue the little buggers on
2 the pink panther has 2 x gpmg's and a standing gunner to fit him you will need to remove part of the gpmg stock!
3 Humber recce,a holts tractor for ww1 and a BA10 there are also a couple of Italian WW2 vehicles on my list and 2 are in the picture
4 the stowage on the pink panther is moulded but I will make up a stowage kit if enough people say they want it I will make for leon and dave as a 21st Birthday present
but only if 30 different forum members say they want a vehicle stowage pack(generic)
Any more questions please allow a delay for the reply
