Sister Of Battle - 40k Army

Started by Vulpine, 10 February 2013, 06:37:53 PM

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Quote from: ianrs54 on 12 February 2013, 05:08:57 PM
Why - you acused me of living Cheshire the other day - almost as bad asy I'm Welsh.

IanS  :D

True or false - You are closer to Wales than Chester?

:-\ :D - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!

Matt J

IIRC in Chester it is still legal to kill a welshman as long as it is after dark and with an arrow
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
2014 Painting Competition - 3 x Winner!
2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - 2 x Winner!


You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Chester has to have the city gates closed and it must be shot from a crossbow.
On the Long Mynd in Shropshire, you get a shilling and you have to use a longbow!
You can still demand a pint of beer whilst sitting your finals at Oxford university, but they will fine you the cost for not wearing your sword during exams.
Meanwhile all black cabs in London still have to carry a bale of hay in the boot...
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Sounds like the fairest solution all round Leon, as for the spelling comment Vulp you have my apologies, I was having an extremely bad day and you got the brunt of it. I was supposed to take delivery of a new Retriever puppy this weekend and I got a phone call from the breeder saying it wasnt gonna happen, turns out the little fellow has a defect known as a liver-shunt, his blood flows past his liver instead of through it. Poor wee man, every time he eats he's poisoning himself, I was in absolute bits over that news.


Really feel for you Gordon.  :(
So sorry to hear that.
Best wishes - Phil.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Well on the upside I've spent all day on the phone, and due to a time-waster pulling out I have booked a new wee boy henceforth to be called Angus, the breeders kids named him Mr Tubbington, so you should have an idea of his pysique, collecting him him on Sunday.

Here he is just after his first bath.


12 February 2013, 10:51:48 PM #24 Last Edit: 12 February 2013, 10:59:07 PM by Vulpine
No Probz GY... I wasn't offended, spelling ain't my strong point but I'm really funny, a nice bloke and I run a decent company, so I have different pros. Didn't want pity, just pointing out that that ain't one of the things I'm good at.

Sorry bout the pup, when I first got Toby (my choc lab) I was told by the vet that he had problems with his feet (both his back legs pointed inwards) some type of mussel defect, I remember (and still feel guilty for it now) my wife said I should hug him but I couldn't even look at him, literally, I felt so ill, I'm not the type to cry so I knew I couldn't face the tiny cute guy knowing he was in trouble and I couldn't afford to look after him,  that same week he got very very ill, lost 50% waight and serious diarrhea, he picked up. We took him back to the vets a week after and he said he thought he would be dead but somehow he got better put on 100% waight and his legs straightened, 1.5 yrs on and he is spot on, but to go through that, as you are mate. I'm sorry.

But the tiny fluff ball in your photo, he is just asking for a cuddle!

Here is a recent pic of Toby....

Oh and people who game with me and think I'm a softy.... Mebs I'm just puttin it on, to lure you into a false seance of security? (Ner I am 6ft, broad, 17st, tradesman, but I do love a cuddle with my dog!) 
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


12 February 2013, 10:57:02 PM #25 Last Edit: 12 February 2013, 11:07:26 PM by GordonY
A wise man once said Vulp that "children were for people that couldn't have dogs", I've had both and I think you know which I prefer.

From chatting to Angus's breeder, I think I'm gonna have to get him a 95th Rifles uniform, "first on the dinner plate, and the last to leave!"

here's a recent one of Poppy the 18 month old bitch


12 February 2013, 11:06:27 PM #26 Last Edit: 12 February 2013, 11:10:12 PM by Vulpine
Sounds like Tob's! He has never ever refused food.

He once got hold of my sherbet dip (yeah, a 27yr old can eat a sherbet dip!) he was after the lolly (and he ate it) but the whole living room, hall and kitchen was covered in white power!

That reminds me, fun trick, wait for your dog to get under a tree coverd in snow and shake it...
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


that could have been embarrasing if the police had come round.

"Honest its only sherbet!"

"Pull the other one mushy, you're nicked."


Id blame Toby, "look officer, he's coverd in the stuff" and to be fair, Toby has that criminal mastermind look about him. You know that, he looks so daft he must be smart.
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


How cute you two are.  :D

Like two little boys that reconcile by showing each other their toys.

(This last sentence could be misinterpreted)
2015 Painting Competition - Winner!
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!