Sister Of Battle - 40k Army

Started by Vulpine, 10 February 2013, 06:37:53 PM

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I'm starting a sisters of battle army and thought I would post pics of my progress.

The army feel is going to be a small force of SOBs who have called the local defence force as well as some locals citizens to arms.

I've painted my first unit of SOB and I must say I'm pleased with my self, 'feast your eyes!'

You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


and this relates to 10mm Pendraken, how?

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner

goat major

Looks good Vulpine. There's a good feeling of coldness and the overall muted tones work well to achieve this. You are a brave man going for SOB - it's going to be wallet bustingly expensive! Having said that - there's something very appealing about an army of Debby Harry lookalikes  :)
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Quote from: GordonY on 11 February 2013, 09:33:23 AM
and this relates to 10mm Pendraken, how?

To be fair, it does state that is for general wargaming topics. But I agree that there would be better places to showcase this project than the Pendraken forum.

Then again, you can always ignore, and move on to other topics, no?
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.


11 February 2013, 05:17:05 PM #5 Last Edit: 11 February 2013, 05:49:57 PM by Vulpine
Quote from: OldenBUA on 11 February 2013, 10:26:38 AM
To be fair, it does state that is for general wargaming topics. But I agree that there would be better places to showcase this project than the Pendraken forum.

Then again, you can always ignore, and move on to other topics, no?

Spot on... This is the forum I hang out at. The models I paint as part of my hobby go on to this site... There not posted in Pendraken models, there posted in 'genral', one section called jokes, do they have to be jokes about 10mm models? No

Why waist time posting negative posts. The models are painted nicely.
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


No its posted in Painting and Modelling.

and FYI waist is the area your belt goes round.

waste is the paint that went onto these abominations.

General is an area of wide interest.

Genral isnt even a word in American English.

Learn to speak your own language.


12 February 2013, 07:23:21 AM #7 Last Edit: 12 February 2013, 07:35:15 AM by Vulpine
Yes but not Pendraken painting and modelling. I defiantly painted them and they are models.

GordonY, first of all, we have chatted loads of times about various things, including our dogs and such so I didn't expect this. I don't understand your beef at all.

Second thing, if you have seen my posts before you will have noticed I have various spelling mistakes. I'm heavily dyslexic (a word I had to look up on google), so I have always struggled.

Your a moderator, if putting GW models up is such a crime, mod this page and remove it. TBH I thought it could be anything, 10mm, 15mm, 25mm as long as it was to do with modelling and painting. Leon does some 25mm models also. And my doctor who models, should they be removed? They ain't Pendraken, I sculpted them. Same as Barbarians Chaos, he sculpted them.

If my crimes are the love of nice models at 25, 15 and 10mm and spelling mistakes... "I'm guilty!" Get the noose mate.
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


I'm with you Vulpine I love your Doctor Who figures and dare I say it other figures not Pendraken both 10mm and otrher Scales :d
GordonY I know you're a moderator but surely there's better things to do with your time than this pettiness.
Anyone who reads Vullpines Posts would know that he has difficulty with some words Shouldn't knock.
My Old Mam used to tell me if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything. :P :-[

hope the Grammar police find my post correct. :o
Sean 8)


Iffen you check other peoples posts, you'll find that the posters are apologising for some of their 10mm stuff not being Pendraken, and the non-Pendraken stuff isnt even the subject of the photo. Try posting a piccie of some nice 10mm Pendraken stuff of a GW forum, and see how long it stays there. Vulpine, the whole forum is funded and run by Dave and Leon whose whole business and livelyhood is 10mm Pendraken, go figure what they want to see here. Nik Harwood has a multitude of 2mm and 6mm armies and yet you'll never find any piccies on this forum and he's the Painting and Modelling mod here, also you'll never find me posting any piccies of my Dystopian or Flintloque stuff. Enuff said.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Sorry if I upset Vulpine.
I do, however agree with Gordan, I paint loads of stuff by other manufactures, and try to keep it off here. That's what Blogs and Facebook are great for though...

Personally, nice paint job. not my style. How you doing your snow?
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


12 February 2013, 02:14:42 PM #11 Last Edit: 12 February 2013, 02:50:40 PM by Vulpine
If I'm wrong about posting 40k up here, I apologise, however, I always understud it as

"Pendraken Painting and modelling" was Pendraken only

"Wargames Painting and modelling"  surly it's none Pendraken?

As for posting none 40k stuff on IGMD etc. I wouldn't bother because they are mostly idiots who hang around there and nah say and take the p**s, that's why I came here, it's a nice neutral ground for all gamers, regardless of what sytem you play.

Put it this way GordonY, if you came round my place and had a look in my gaming room for a look, I wouldn't hide any models away. Any mate who came in my place I'd show all, and I see this forum as a contact to "like mined people"/mates . I have one mate who is only GW (At the moment!) and I show him 10mm stuff, he's fine with that as its linked to his hobby as much as the models above are linked with your hobby.

Snow base... It's actually a grey gravel from... (Can't remember the company, they do train stuff, green bags??) so it gives a frosted dirt look, I'm going to add a thin layer of snow also.
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


This is a tricky one to work through, and I can understand both sides of the argument.  Let's try and keep it civil though, no need for things to get personal.

From a business point of view, and Gordon is right here, this is our livelihood, and we make a living selling 10mm figures.  The Forum is an extension of the website, and helps to show off our new stuff, other peoples painted goodies, tempt others into new periods maybe.  Having competitors products being shown off isn't top of our preferences, as it's potentially tempting folk away and costing us sales.

The other side of it though, and where Vulpine is correct, is that this is a community of people with a common hobby, and we want everyone to feel welcome to post whatever they think would be of interest to the other members.  If this is occasionally something outside the Pendraken realm, then maybe that's not such a bad thing?

So, in an attempt at compromise, I've set up a new board purely for non-Pendraken projects.  I've put a bit of info in there as well as to what's allowed, and if anything appears which is essentially spam, I'll be deleting it.  If the new board gets a decent level of traffic/interest, then we'll keep it.  If no one bothers with it, then it'll get binned.

8) - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


I don't think you could be any fairer than that Leon.

Cheers - Phil.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Quote from: Leon on 12 February 2013, 03:32:28 PM
  Let's try and keep it civil though, no need for things to get personal.

Why - you acused me of living Cheshire the other day - almost as bad asy I'm Welsh.

IanS  :D
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
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