Fatimids, 10th-12th Centuries

Started by Druzhina, 16 December 2012, 12:00:42 PM

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16 December 2012, 12:00:42 PM Last Edit: 16 December 2012, 12:37:05 PM by Druzhina
Fatimids, 10th-12th Centuries

Fatimid Soldiers and Hunters
Fatimid Musicians, Dancers & Revelers
Fatimid-Zirid Bas-relief of Musician and Drinker
Fatimid-Zirid Plate with a Battle Scene, larger image & detail
Musician on a Bowl, Fatimid Egypt, 10th Century
Fatimid Horseman from Ifriqiyah on a Plate, 10th to 12th Centuries & larger image
Fatimid Rider and Four Warriors on Coptic Textile, 11th Century
Fatimid Wood Carving of Hunters, 11th Century & larger image
Fatimid Carved Panel with Soldier, 11th Century & larger image
Fatimid Ceramic Wall-Plaque with Warriors from the Sabra Palace, 11th century
Fragment of a Fatimid Bowl Depicting a Mounted Warrior, 11th century
Plaque with a running man and his dog, Fatimid Egypt, 11th Century & larger image
Fatimid Lustre Painted Dish with Musician, 11th century
Bathhouse Fresco of a Man with Goblet, 11th Century
Fatimid Rectangular piece of wood with swordsmen, larger image & even larger image
Fatimid wooden plank with carved lion hunt, 11th century
Fatimid wooden plank with carved dancer, 11th century
Fatimid wooden plank with musicians and revelers, 11th century
Fatimid wooden plank with musicians and dancers, 11th century
Hunter on an 11th century ivory drinking horn probably made in Muslim Sicily or Southern Italy
Coptic Priest on a Plate, 1050-1100 & larger image
Shields on the Bab al-Nasr (Gate of Victory), Cairo, 1087
Frieze of Hunters over the door of the Church of San Bernadetto, Brindisi, late 11th Century
Fatimid Lustre Bowl Depicting a Lute Player, 11th-12th century
Fatimid Turban on Manuscript Fragment, 11th-12th Centuries
Morgan Casket, Southern Italy, 11th-12th century, larger image, front detail & top detail
Four ivory panels with hunters and revellers, 11th-12th century & larger image
Figure with Goblet on Fatimid Bowl, 11th-12th century.
Ivory casket wiyh Lion Hunt, Fatimid Sicily or Southern Italy, 11th-12th Centuries & larger image
Fatimid Manuscript with Two Soldiers, 11th-12th Centuries & larger image
Fatimid Carved Ivory Panel with Hunters, 11th-12th Centuries & larger image
Carved Ivory Plaque of Lion Hunt, Fatimid Egypt or Iraq, 11th-12th Century & larger image
Fatimid dancer on an ivory panel, 11th-12th century
Fatimid lute player on an ivory panel, 11th-12th century
Fatimid Infantryman on a Plate, 12th Century
Fatimid Warrior on Plate Fragment, 12th Century & larger image
Islamic Sicilian Ivory Casket with Horsemen, 12th Century
A Fatimid Nobleman or Officer on a lustre-ware plate, 12th Century
Fatimid plate with mounted hunter, 12th century
Fatimid bowl with female scarf dancer, 12th century
Sicilian ivory pyxis, 12th century
Fatimid wood panel with dancer, 12th century
Fatimid Manuscript Fragment, Fustat, 12th Century
Fatimid bowl with a hunter on horse
Fatimid bowl with a musician
Fatimid bowl with a drinker
Fatimid bowl with young courtier
Manuscript illumination with depiction of a court scene
Illustrations from a Coptic Gospel, Damietta, Egypt, 1179-80
Fatimid Manuscript with 'Jazrafil who rides an Elephant', c. 1200 AD
A drawing of, & notes on, a Sudanese spearman by Ian Heath
Fatimids on Plate G, Men-At-Arms Series 125, The Armies of Islam 7th-11th Centuries by David Nicolle & Angus McBride - based on many of the above.
A drawing of, & notes on, a Daylami Tribesman by Ian Heath
A painting of a Daylami Infantryman, early 11th century, by Angus McBride
Drawing of, and notes on, a Fatimid Infantryman by Ian Heath based on a manuscript.
Drawings of a Fatimid Infantryman and a Fatimid Cavalryman by Ian Heath based on the manuscript fragment.

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