WW2 - Push For Przemysl Bridge

Started by Blaxkleric, 02 December 2012, 11:44:29 PM

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Plan is to play this battle across each night of this coming week, and update as we go on the blog http://tenyearsandcountingdown.blogspot.co.uk/.  ???

Testing out a new card-driven set of homemade rules...  :-\

Comments etc most welcome, and hopefully the below gives you a taster.

Steve J

Looks good and await further updates with interest :).


German Panzers and Russian Infantry start to lock horns around the central (hill) objective.

More on the blog. Sorry about the terrain being unpainted... didn't realise how bad it looks  :-[


Day Three. Plenty more piccies as the battle progresses on the blog.


Battle's almost done. Hate "Blogger"... damn thing keeps changing fonts, text sizes, inserting lines and mis-aligning images  >:(


Final Part up on the blog. Won't do such long-winded ones in future  :-[

Just plenty of 'Pendraken piccies' and a bit of narration.  :)

Just finished new addition as well...

Thanks for looking.


Looks really ace!!

Would you mind sharing the recipe for your bases??  :-[


Quote from: petercooman on 23 December 2012, 07:31:52 PM
Would you mind sharing the recipe for your bases??  :-[

Both Hexen tiles and models are initially flocked with sand. These days I use "Noch" Gleisschotter grau (N gauge gray train ballast), but there's a mix of some larger grain sizes in there as well. These are then painted black and dry-brushed GW Dark Flesh, Dheneb Stone and then washed with Devlan Mud. These days though its Doombull Brown, Rakarth Flesh and Agrax Earthshade  >:(

For flock I use either GW Citadel static grass (for the tiles) or GW Citadel Snow, but build up the layers with two or three applications (especially important with developing snow drifts etc).   



Also, may i ask something else? Where are the cards from? They look interesting. Are they a game of some sort?


They're homemade, using pictures from WW2 posters. basically we use them to order units and to react to situations (e.g. "Opening Fire" lets you shoot at a unit that has just declared it's assaulting you). Seems to work well enough, and once you understand what each card does they fly across the table as we counter each other.  ;D
