American Revolutionary War (black powder)

Started by ciaphas, 18 May 2010, 11:18:27 AM

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Hi, I have two packs of Revolutionist army packs, waiting to go and my gaming budy has similar stock of the Brittish, however while we both like the black powder rules we are udecided on how to base.  Can some one point the way please?



Quote from: ciaphas on 18 May 2010, 11:18:27 AM
Hi, I have two packs of Revolutionist army packs, waiting to go and my gaming budy has similar stock of the Brittish, however while we both like the black powder rules we are udecided on how to base.  Can some one point the way please?


I'm doing SYW.  I like the look I get from 2 ranks of 4 on a 30mm base.  I like my flags at the centre, which means on odd number of bases unless you do something fiddly.  5 stand units look really nice, but I am starting at 3 stands to get armies on the table faster.  I am also told that units are quite fragile in BP so I may stick with 3 stand units just to get more units on the table.


Yep - you can be pretty flexible really - I've gamed it in 2mm using one base per unit (involved some tracking of damage rather than removing stands etc) - perfectly's for this reason that I'm doing my SYW in 3 stand units really: so that I can play both Black Powder & a WMA variant without too much mucking about...

I've been a heretic in SYW terms though as I've gone for larger bases: 50x25mm for 10 figures...I think it looks great  ;)


i'm geared up for black powder in 10mm :

Infantry :  20 x 20 (based in 4's)
Cavalry : 25 x 25 (based in 2's)
Skirmishers : 20 x 20  (based in 2's)
Artillery : 30 x 30  / 40 x 40  ( 3pdr / 6 pdr)

Command Units will be : 20mm Circular / 30mm Circular - not 100% sure yet....

piccies here : >> HERE <<
Dazza's 10mm Miniature Armies :
" AWI, Colonial, WW2 & Vietnam"

AWI Photos :,560.0.html

Never argue with an idiot; He'll drag you down to his level and beat you by experience.


I had this idea that the figs needed to stand closer so I ordered some half inch bases and intended to base them 4 a base(2+2)
When I got the bases and the figs I realized the bases where way too small.
To be honest I am going to go for Dazzas bases.I think they look just right.I had this idea that the cav would go 2 to a 20mm base too but when I see these pics
I think he is right to go for 25mm bases.Thanks for the pictures Dazza.


Last Hussar

25 May 2010, 10:20:22 PM #5 Last Edit: 25 May 2010, 10:26:58 PM by Last Hussar
See my commentary on these two photos

I realise I am not up to the standard of Nik I-Should-have-at-least-one-hand-cut-off-to-stop-me-being-so-much-better Harwood, or That's-obscene-in-10mm Dazza, but you get the idea of what can be done on a 20mm base.  Since these were taken I have unbased the front rank of one base so I can get another 3 man command set on, allowing me one Kings and one Regimental colour.  This works well- Pendraken bag = 30 figs, + 2 Command sets =6. Gives the 36 figures I need on 3x2x6 basing.  Also it solved the off centre command stand for 6 base units.

Oh- the basing is cheap self adhesive floor tile. Thin (important for 10mm), doesn't swell or warp when wet, nor does it fray.  Cuttable with heavy duty scissors or a guillotine, and £2.50 for 6 tiles each 30cm square.  While the tiles bend when whole, I have based 2x2 25mm on a 40mm square which doesn't bend, but will snap under pressured bending for when you need to rebase.
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


QuoteNik I-Should-have-at-least-one-hand-cut-off-to-stop-me-being-so-much-better Harwood

Like it - I think you might have written me a nice epitaph for when I hang up my brushes  ;) 8)