13th Century Spanish, Andalucians and Moors from the Cantigas de Santa Maria

Started by Druzhina, 23 October 2012, 03:45:57 AM

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Military Illustrations from the Cantigas de Santa Maria, 1284

   Full Pages from the Cantigas de Santa Maria
Including larger pictures of:
Cantiga 12 featuring a mob with swords . larger pic of panel 6
Cantiga 22 featuring a unarmoured spanish spearmen . larger pic from panel 1
Cantiga 28 featuring a siege of Constantinople
Cantiga 33 featuring ships and boats
Cantiga 35a & 35b featuring ships & soldiers in galeases . Cantiga 35b . larger pic of 35b panel 1
Cantiga 46 Moors, conversion to christianity . larger pic of panel 2 . larger pic of panel 5
Cantiga 63 featuring soldiers in zig-zag livery . larger pics of panels 1, 3, 4, 5, & 6
Cantiga 95a featuring mouros in galleys . larger pic of panel 4 . larger pic of panel 5
Cantiga 95b featuring moors in galleys and unarmoured spearmen . larger pic of panel 4
Cantiga 99 featuring moorish troops . larger pic of panel 1 . larger pic of panel 6
Cantiga 119 featuring spearmen, demons & angels
Cantiga 126 featuring crossbows
Cantiga 165a featuring muslim cavalry, & armoured infantry . larger pics of panels 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6
Cantiga 165b featuring muslim cavalry, mounted drummers & trumpeters . larger pic of panel 5
Cantiga 181 A Moroccan army is defeated by another . larger pic of Cantiga 181 . even larger pic of Cantiga 181 . larger pic of row 2
Cantiga 185 featuring unarmoured spearmen, plotting & immolation
Cantiga 187a featuring Granadine cavalry . larger pics of panels 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Cantiga 187b featuring Granadine cavalry & infantry . larger pics of panels 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Pages from: codex Florencia Ms Banco Rari 20
Cantiga CSM 205 featuring Military Order troops . larger pic of panel 1 . larger pic of row 2
Cantiga CSM 207 featuring a knight in armour . larger pic of panel 2 . larger pic of panel 6
Cantiga CSM 235 featuring Castilian cavalry . larger pic of panel 2
Cantiga CSM 245 featuring bandits . larger pic of panel 3
Cantiga CSM 256 featuring Granadine crossbowmen . larger pic of panel 2
Cantiga CSM 299 featuring the Order of the Star . larger pic of panel 3 . larger pic of panel 5

   Extra Individual Panels
Panel 5, Cantiga 5 - The Roman emperor crusading.
Panel 6, Cantiga 12 - The Jews are killed.
Panel 2, Cantiga 13 - A thief named Elbo was caught stealing and the magistrate ordered him to be hanged.
Panel 2, Cantiga 19 - The Three Knights.
Panel 1, Cantiga 44 - A nobleman from Aragón lost his goshawk while hunting.
Panel 1, Cantiga 51 - The Count of Poitiers and his men laid siege to a castle in Orleans.
Panels 1, 2 & 4, Cantiga 83 - The Prisoner who was freed from the Moors.
Panel 1, Cantiga 106 - Two squires attempted a robbery.
Panel 2, Cantiga 114 - One day, her son’s enemies beat him viciously, tearing him to pieces.
Panel 1, Cantiga 126 - A man in Elche was shot in the face by an arrow.
Panel 6, Cantiga 135 - The Marriage Ordained by the Virgin.
Panel 4, Cantiga 148 - A knight, wearing such a garment, was attacked by his enemies.
Panel 5, Cantiga 148 - His squires raised the alarm and people came and discovered him alive.
Panel 4, Cantiga 175 - A heretic, who owned the inn, planted a silver cup in the son’s sack and accused him of theft.
Panel 5, Cantiga 175 - On order of the magistrate, the son was arrested.
Panel 2, Cantiga 184 - Her husband got into a brawl with some other men who wounded him in the chest.
Panel 2, Cantiga 191 - A poor squire was in charge of a castle called Ródenas in the district of Albarracín.
Panel 2, Cantiga 234 - The King was beset with troubles.
Panel 3, Page 1, Cantiga 245 - They abused him and held him in the castle of Neiva.
Panel 1, Cantiga CSM 271 - A ship, owned by the king of Alenquer, was stuck fast in the Morabe River near Azemmour.
Panel 5, Cantiga CSM 275 - The Rabid Knights Hospitaller.
Panel 1, Cantiga CSM 408 - A squire, a man of noble birth, was badly wounded by an arrow while fighting in Lombardy.

So that people can find illustrations from the Cantigas de Santa Maria, or identify to which cantiga a panel belongs, I have gathered the Illuminations from codex Florencia Manuscript Banco Rari 2 (CSM 201-234), Page 2 (CSM 235-265), Page 3 (CSM 266-299) & Page 4 (CSM 301-408).  This has medium size images of nearly all the illuminations of this manuscript (unfortunately all have the Oronoz watermark) except those that have only a framework for an illumination (The Florencia codex is unfinished) and codex MS T.I. 1 (Códice Rico), Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9 & Page 10
They include some links to images of individual panels.

sites of wargaming interest

Duke Speedy of Leighton

These must take you forever! Superb illustrations again, the man hours to find, scan and catalog these must be nearly a full time occupation!  :)
wow again sir!  8)
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner



Here is a longer list of illustrations from Las Cantigas de Santa Maria on all subjects (not just military):
Cantiga 2: Hildefonsus of Toledo
Cantiga 5: The Chaste Empress
Cantiga 7: The Pregnant Abbess
Cantiga 9: The Icon of Sardonay
Cantiga 10: Cantiga de loor
Cantiga 12: The Image of Christ Reviled by the Jews of Toledo
Cantiga 18: The Silkworms that Wove Veils
Cantiga 19: The Three Knights
Cantiga 22: The Wounded Farmer
Cantiga 23: The Woman whose Wine was Replenished
Cantiga 27: The Image that Appeared in a Synagogue
Cantiga 28: The Siege of Constantinople
Cantiga 32: The Priest who Only Knew One Mass
Cantiga 33: The Pilgrim Saved from Shipwreck
Cantiga 34: The Desecrated Image of the Virgin
Cantiga 35: The Clerics Saved from Pirates
Cantiga 35: The Clerics Saved from Pirates
Cantiga 39: The Fire at Mont Saint-Michel
Cantiga 42: The Ring on the Finger of the Virgin’s Statue
Cantiga 43: The Boy Revived at Salas
Cantiga 44: The Knight whose Goshawk was Returned by Santa Maria de Salas
Cantiga 45: The Wicked Knight who Built a Monastery
Cantiga 46: The Moor who Venerated an Image of the Virgin Mary
Cantiga 47: The Devil who Appeared in the Shape of Three Beasts
Cantiga 51: The Statue that Intercepted an Arrow
Cantiga 52: The Mountain Goats that Gave Milk to the Monks of Montserrat
Cantiga 58: The Nun who was Shown the Mouth of Hell
Cantiga 59: The Nun who was Slapped by a Crucifix
Cantiga 63: The Knight who Missed the Battle
Cantiga 64: The Woman who could not Remove her Slipper
Cantiga 65: The Excommunicate who Won Absolution
Cantiga 66: The Bishop who was Given a Vestment
Cantiga 67: The Man who had the Devil as his Servant
Cantiga 73: The Stained Chasuble
Cantiga 74: The Painter and the Devil
Cantiga 76: The Image of the Christ Child that was Held for Ransom
Cantiga 82: The Demon Swine
Cantiga 83: The Prisoner who was Freed from the Moors
Cantiga 87: Geronimo is Made Bishop of Pavia
Cantiga 89: The Jewish Woman who was Helped in Childbirth
Cantiga 91: The Healing of People Suffering from St Martial’s Fire
Cantiga 95: The Hermit who was Captured by the Moors
Cantiga 95: The Hermit who was Captured by the Moors
Cantiga 98: The Sinful Woman who could not Enter a Church
Cantiga 99: The Moors who Tried to Destroy an Image of the Virgin
Cantiga 100: Cantiga de loor
Cantiga 103: The Monk who Listened to a Bird’s Song for Three Hundred Years
Cantiga 104: The Bleeding Host
Cantiga 106: The Squires who were Freed from Captivity
Cantiga 107: The Jewish Woman who was Thrown from a Cliff
Cantiga 108: Merlin and the Jew
Cantiga 110: Cantiga de loor
Cantiga 113: The Falling Rock of Montserrat
Cantiga 119: The Judge who was Carried Away by Devils
Cantiga 120: Cantiga de loor
Cantiga 121: The Knight who Made Garlands for the Virgin’s Image
Cantiga 124: The Man who Survived Execution so he could Make his Confession
Cantiga 126: The Soldier who was Struck in the Face by an Arrow
Cantiga 129: The Soldier who was Struck in the Eye by an Arrow
Cantiga 136: The Gambling Woman who Threw a Stone at a Statue of the Virgin
Cantiga 139: The Boy who Offered Bread to an Image of the Christ Child
Cantiga 142: The Huntsman who was Rescued from Drowning
Cantiga 144: The Fierce Bull that was Tamed
Cantiga 148: The Knight who was Protected by a Linen Shift
Cantiga 149: The German Priest who Doubted the Sacrament
Cantiga 157: The Pilgrims to Rocamadour whose Meal was Stolen
Cantiga 162: The Statue that Moved to the High Altar
Cantiga 165: The Celestial Knights who Protected the City of Tartus
Cantiga 166: The Lame Man Healed at Salas
Cantiga 167: The Muslim Child who was Revived at Salas
Cantiga 169: The Church at Arreixaca is Protected by the Virgin
Cantiga 170: Cantiga de loor
Cantiga 171: The Drowned Boy
Cantiga 172: The Pilgrims Bound for Acre who Survived a Storm
Cantiga 178: The Mule that was Revived
Cantiga 181: The Banner of the Virgin Defeats the Moors at Marrakesh
Cantiga 183: The Moors of Faro who Threw a Statue of the Virgin into the Sea
Cantiga 185: The Statue that Defended a Castle
Cantiga 187: The Monks of Jerusalem who were Saved from Famine
Cantiga 187: The Monks of Jerusalem who were Saved from Famine
Cantiga 188: The Image that was Found in a Young Girl’s Heart
Cantiga 189: The Pilgrim Healed of Dragon’s Bane
Cantiga 191: The Woman who Fell from a Cliff
Cantiga 192: The Muslim Servant
Cantiga 205: The Muslim Woman who Survived a Siege
Cantiga 207: The Statue that Thanked a Merciful Knight
Cantiga 209: King Alfonso is Healed by the Virgin’s Book
Cantiga 228: The Mule that Suffered from Gout
Cantiga 235: The Virgin’s Favours to King Alfonso
Cantiga 245: The Hostage who was Released
Cantiga 256: Queen Beatriz is Healed
Cantiga 266: The Beam that Fell on the Congregation
Cantiga 271: The Ship that was Stuck Fast in the River
Cantiga 273: The Miraculous Thread
Cantiga 275: The Rabid Knights Hospitaller
Cantiga 278: The Blind Pilgrim to Santiago who was Healed at Vilasirga
Cantiga 282: The Child who Fell from a Rooftop
Cantiga 292: Master Jorge and the King’s Ring
Cantiga 294: The Gambling Woman who Threw a Stone at a Statue of the Christ Child
Cantiga 299: The Ivory Pendant
Cantiga 408: The Squire who was Pierced by an Arrow

sites of wargaming interest

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


As co.cc has disappeared the longer list has moved to co.nf

illustrations from Las Cantigas de Santa Maria on all subjects (not just military):

Cantiga 2: Hildefonsus of Toledo
Cantiga 5: Chaste Empress
Cantiga 7: Pregnant Abbess
Cantiga 9: Icon of Sardonay
Cantiga 12: Image of Christ Reviled by the Jews of Toledo
Cantiga 18: Silkworms that Wove Veils
Cantiga 19: Three Knights
Cantiga 22: Wounded Farmer
Cantiga 27: Image that Appeared in a Synagogue
Cantiga 28: Siege of Constantinople
Cantiga 33: Pilgrim Saved from Shipwreck
Cantiga 34: Desecrated Image of the Virgin
Cantiga 35a: Clerics Saved from Pirates
Cantiga 35b: Clerics Saved from Pirates
Cantiga 39: Fire at Mont Saint-Michel
Cantiga 43: Boy Revived at Salas
Cantiga 44: Knight whose Goshawk was Returned by Santa Maria de Salas
Cantiga 45: Wicked Knight who Built a Monastery
Cantiga 46: Moor who Venerated an Image of the Virgin Mary
Cantiga 47: Devil who Appeared in the Shape of Three Beasts
Cantiga 51: Statue that Intercepted an Arrow
Cantiga 52: Mountain Goats that Gave Milk to the Monks of Montserrat
Cantiga 59: Nun who was Slapped by a Crucifix
Cantiga 63: Knight who Missed the Battle
Cantiga 64: Woman who could not Remove her Slipper
Cantiga 65: Excommunicate who Won Absolution
Cantiga 66: Bishop who was Given a Vestment
Cantiga 67: Man who had the Devil as his Servant
Cantiga 73: Stained Chasuble
Cantiga 76: Image of the Christ Child that was Held for Ransom
Cantiga 82: Demon Swine
Cantiga 83: Prisoner who was Freed from the Moors
Cantiga 87: Geronimo is Made Bishop of Pavia
Cantiga 89: Jewish Woman who was Helped in Childbirth
Cantiga 91: Healing of People Suffering from St Martial's Fire
Cantiga 95a: Hermit who was Captured by the Moors
Cantiga 95b: Hermit who was Captured by the Moors
Cantiga 99: Moors who Tried to Destroy an Image of the Virgin
Cantiga 100: Cantiga de loor
Cantiga 104: Bleeding Host
Cantiga 106: Squires who were Freed from Captivity
Cantiga 107: Jewish Woman who was Thrown from a Cliff
Cantiga 108: Merlin and the Jew
Cantiga 110: Cantiga de loor
Cantiga 113: Falling Rock of Montserrat
Cantiga 119: Judge who was Carried Away by Devils
Cantiga 120: Cantiga de loor
Cantiga 121: Knight who Made Garlands for the Virgin's Image
Cantiga 126: Soldier who was Struck in the Face by an Arrow
Cantiga 129: Soldier who was Struck in the Eye by an Arrow
Cantiga 136: Gambling Woman who Threw a Stone at a Statue of the Virgin
Cantiga 139: Boy who Offered Bread to an Image of the Christ Child
Cantiga 142: Huntsman who was Rescued from Drowning
Cantiga 148: Knight who was Protected by a Linen Shift
Cantiga 149: German Priest who Doubted the Sacrament
Cantiga 157: Pilgrims to Rocamadour whose Meal was Stolen
Cantiga 162: Statue that Moved to the High Altar
Cantiga 165: Celestial Knights who Protected the City of Tartus
Cantiga 166: Lame Man Healed at Salas
Cantiga 167: Muslim Child who was Revived at Salas
Cantiga 169: Church at Arreixaca is Protected by the Virgin
Cantiga 170: Cantiga de loor
Cantiga 171: Drowned Boy
Cantiga 172: Pilgrims Bound for Acre who Survived a Storm
Cantiga 178: Mule that was Revived
Cantiga 181: Banner of the Virgin Defeats the Moors at Marrakesh
Cantiga 183: Moors of Faro who Threw a Statue of the Virgin into the Sea
Cantiga 185: The Woman whose Mother-in-law Plotted her Death
Cantiga 187a: Statue that Defended a Castle
Cantiga 187b: Statue that Defended a Castle
Cantiga 188: Image that was Found in a Young Girl's Heart
Cantiga 191: Woman who Fell from a Cliff
Cantiga 192: Muslim Servant
Cantiga 205: Muslim Woman who Survived a Siege
Cantiga 207: Statue that Thanked a Merciful Knight
Cantiga 235: Virgin's Favours to King Alfonso
Cantiga 245: Hostage who was Released
Cantiga 256: Queen Beatriz is Healed
Cantiga 266: The Beam that Fell on the Congregation
Cantiga 271: Ship that was Stuck Fast in the River
Cantiga 273: Miraculous Thread
Cantiga 275: Rabid Knights Hospitaller
Cantiga 282: Child who Fell from a Rooftop
Cantiga 292: Master Jorge and the King's Ring
Cantiga 294: Gambling Woman who Threw a Stone at a Statue of the Christ Child
Cantiga 299: Ivory Pendant
Cantiga 408: Squire who was Pierced by an Arrow

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