Dr. Who

Started by Vulpine, 18 September 2012, 06:32:31 PM

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No problems Albie Bach!
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


27 December 2012, 01:45:42 PM #106 Last Edit: 27 December 2012, 01:50:54 PM by Vulpine
Hi all, thought I would just do a genral recap for last year and go through the new plans for the year going forwards.

First of all I need to thank a few people

Sean 67, PaintitPink, Ludite, Techno, Leon an his team, Dim_reaper and a few more (sorry if i missed you!) for your comments, some of you indeed have some of my DW models in your collection and the feedback has been fab.

As most of you know in August me and my mate Dim_Reaper were watching all of season 12  in a day marathon, awesome seanon also, Bakers first, Sarah Jane and the underestimate (I belive) Harry sulivan. It has two of my best episodes (Genisis of the Daleks and Revenge of the cybermen) and includes Sontarens, Daleks and Cybermen in that one season. I turned to D_M and said, "wouldn't it be cool if there was a wargame based on the DW univers?" "what about black tree, you had some didn't you ?" Was his response "yeah, but 25mm, I wanna do wars, not skirmish, and there expensive already without having to buy hundreds! I wanna have a army of Vogans, a Cyberarmy, Dalek force, sontarens, UNIT platoon....." So you can see were this story goes...

D_R was incharge of rules with my advice based on  Doctor who, mainly During the time wars but also some scenarios based on some classic TV episodes (and possibly some non classic for the people who like Matt Smith and Tenant)  and I was incharge of sculpting with his help. Odd actually, I've done some converting on 25mm with modling putty but neaver a full sculped and I hadn't at the time even painted 1 10mm model, (although I had quite a few waiting to be painted).

Our playtest is about sorted and a battle report has been done ( http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,6563.msg65092.html#msg65092 ) however we ain't going to finish the rules yet. Within Jan we will post our rules and it would e fab if you guys could have a go with them, the more people who help play test the more faults we can find and rectifie. Then we can have a living on line rule book.

After the rules we are going to do supplements containing more squads, Scenarios and rules to uses in your armies and I'm currently making the next 30models for the next sculped. Anyway, I'm looking forwards  to our DW game for 2013 and I hope you lot are also!

You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


28 December 2012, 04:38:32 PM #107 Last Edit: 28 December 2012, 05:00:43 PM by Vulpine
Bread for war...

Sontarn Commander and trooper WIP

You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Coming along very nicely V.
Cheers - Phil.


Tar Tec, I'm particularly pleased with the Sontaren Cpt's face, although its still WIP. Also Tommy Bake, I'm also V pleased with him. I must be getting better as I think they are nicer than the first mould.
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Sontaren family (still some trimming and such once dry)

Cybermat Swarm
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Definately need a 1-1 scale Clara Oswin Oswald...

I think I might be in lurve :-[
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


I don't know what kinda models you think im makin here!
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You know what Nosher, I hate to say it, but you are...

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Ok ok... Put this in 'top totty!' Section. I don't want this smut here, I'm married and have no sexual thoughts now. Please keep it to talking about my sculpts and Doctor who game!  :D
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Compleat work so far on 2nd Doctor who set:

Sontaren Squad

L-R: Special weapon Dalek, Morbious (monster), Doctor IV, Davros
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


07 January 2013, 01:16:40 PM #116 Last Edit: 07 January 2013, 01:20:03 PM by Vulpine
Morbius Pre and Post Death

You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Coming along a storm V !
Cheers - Phil.


Thanks Tec

Here's some more:

Ice warriors WIP

You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Progressing excellently V.

Little tip which I hope will help you 'tighten up' some of the detail, (which is damn good already....don't get me wrong on that score.)
Once you've mixed up your normal proportions of green stuff....add a little more of the 'blue'. (You'll end up with a noticeably darker shade of green in the mix.)
This should make the putty slightly 'stiffer' to work.
Push this around into as close as to the shape you want, to start with.....Now leave it for 10-15 minutes or so, to let it start 'going off'.
(This is something you'll really have to experiment with, as it will depend on how much of the extra blue you've added, and what the temperature of the room you're working in is.)

Now the putty has begun to stiffen...Finish off your 'shaping'....You should find that you can get much more defined and sharp 'edges' at this point.....and when you push the detail or something like lines in the putty, the putty will hold the detail much more crisply.
Basically the putty won't move about quite as much when you press into it

Hope the above makes sense.....You're doing SO well already..(Definitely got an eye for it Matey)....I'm just trying to help get you up another rung 'on the ladder'. ;)

Cheers - Phil.