Pendraken surplus stuff for sale

Started by old smokie, 11 August 2012, 07:00:30 PM

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old smokie

I have a whole pile of surplus Pendraken stuff for sale, WW2, WW1, SCW, AWI. you can email me for the lists too much to list here

email - oldsmokie65 AT googlemail DOT com


Might be interested in the AWI at the end of the month Andy, depends what you got.

old smokie

I have the following

Code              Description                   Qty

AWG2      Brunswick Musketeers               16
AWG4      Brunswick Musketeers command      8
AWG5      Brunswick Grenadiers                 6
AWG6      Jaegers                     22
AWG7      Hessian Regiment Rall                 6

AWA8      Cont Command [no flags bearers]      21
AWA22           Cont Command 1779 marching      24
AWA6      Militia Command standing         28
AWA18           Artillery crew               3
AWA4      Militia standing                    5
AWA11           Riflemen skirmishing            9

AWB10   Brit. line, 1768 warrant, command, march    25
AWB33   17th Lgt Dragoons               6
AWB11   Brit. line, 1768 warrant, command, standing   8  [no flag bearers]
AWB8   Highland trews marching                 2
AWB13   Highland trews Flank marching         13
AWB5   British Grenadiers                       30
AWB23   Lgt Inf marching                       10
AWB22   Lgt infantry skirmishing             6
AWB10   officers drummers fifers                    25
AWB17   Grenadier command, charging          12
AWB25   Grenadier command, marching          4
AWB26   Lgt Infantry command                    5
AWB15   Highland command trews            15
      SYW artillery crew               23
      British 1768 warrant sergeants         17

US Militia Brigade Painted and based
12 infantry stands [bases 25mm x 30mm] 48 figures total
2  infantry stands [bases 40mm x 30mm] 16 figures
1 Riflemen stand [base 60mm x 30mm] 5 figures
2 Riflemen stand [bases 30mm x 30mm] 4 figures

all proceeds to be used for more Pendraken goodness  :D 8)


Thats a whole heap more than I was expecting Andy, but sorry not really what I was looking for, I was hoping for some Brit standard bearers and maybe some militia. But whoever takes that lot will be getting some useful bits and bobs.

Dave Fielder

I mis-read and thought you were selling surplus STAFF from Pendraken.
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis

Last Hussar

"surplus Pendraken stuff"

No, not understanding this concept.
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


Ooh I may be able to use some of this for my start in 10mm.

The Germans i could cobble together into a the painted for sure.

I'll drop you a mail.

old smokie

15 August 2012, 02:03:19 PM #8 Last Edit: 15 August 2012, 02:05:20 PM by old smokie
AWI and WW 1 stuff now sold,

WW2 and SCW still available,  also found two Baccus 6mm ACW armies  plus Limbers, Wagons and ACW fencing plus 13 Timecast Buildings all unpainted.


Any WWII Russians or Wehrmacht mid eastern front ?
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old smokie

@  barbarian

sorry no Russians only some early war Germans and a few late war ones