Dungeon Campaign (Start to Finish)

Started by sixsideddice, 01 June 2012, 01:39:57 PM

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01 June 2012, 01:39:57 PM Last Edit: 01 June 2012, 01:42:52 PM by sixsideddice
So here we go again ... the last attempt at doing this met with unavoidable disaster and kinda fizzled out due to me moving home ... just bad timing   :(  All my minis were put in boxes for the big move, then eventually  unboxed the other end, an ongoing process I`m afraid; it’s amazing how much a collection gets scattered and misplaced if you`re not extremely careful in packing… note to self, make sure I label boxes properly if I ever move again haha.  Of course, other more pressing things, like settling into the new place and all the trappings that go with a new start  had to take precedence to my gaming for a while. And sadly, a consequence of the move also meant I lost contact with my old group of players. So I have pretty much had to start from scratch, and I am currently encouraging and teaching a new bunch of ` bods` the joys of gaming for the first time; these will be my victims once the new game gets underway   :D WOOooHAHAhahaha   <------ evil laugh  First things first though, I need to create a campaign from the very beginning… and I need to get it right, which means listening to my new perspective group and making sure I create something they will all enjoy. The only stipulation I am following fairly rigidly is that the campaign will be very dungeon oriented … this is made easier for me to achieve as new players always love a good dungeon crawl; seems to be the stock starting introduction for many who join the brother and sisterhood of rpg.

Soooo, I figured what better time  to start a new thread in the Dungeon section ... it’s about time I started writing here properly again in any case  :-\

Over the next... however long ... I shall add constantly to this thread, and share my new campaign as it grows from the foundations up. Hopefully, Pendraken Fantasy fans may find my endeavours interesting, may inspire them to start their own projects, and maybe kick start a few ambitious DM`s to do something similar with their own collections  :)

Wish me luck

Six  :-\


Howdy Six,

Glad you finally got everything sorted out and back up and running, been there, done that  ;)

Looking forward to seeing your Campaign spring to life here on the forum, best of luck   :D


Excellent - new campaign eh? It'd be rude not to start with B2 Keep on the Borderlands wouldn't it?  :d

Lovely - and just square off those Caverns of Chaos six - you'll be fine  :)


Quotenew campaign eh? It'd be rude not to start with B2 Keep on the Borderlands wouldn't it?

... its firmly on the agenda Nik  ;)  Cheers bud  ;D


QuoteGlad you finally got everything sorted out and back up and running, been there, done that 

Looking forward to seeing your Campaign spring to life here on the forum, best of luck

Cheers Blaker.. good to be back  :D


Look forward to the AAR's 

Are you still down in Kerry?
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


QuoteLook forward to the AAR's 

Are you still down in Kerry?

Okay, I admit it....  I have no idea what it means  :-[  what’s an AAR?

No Fenton, I`ve moved from Kenmare in Kerry to Bantry in West Cork.... just over the mountain range really... but far enough away that everything is changed, scenery, people, accents, the lot; and its far enough away that its quite a long haul by car over the pass (which is always pea soup with mist) to commute between the two places.

There’s some fascinating history in Bantry; like the anchor and cannon found in the harbour recently and belonging to a French galleon that went down (circa 1796) during a naval battle between a French fleet anchored in the bay  and an English armada that snuck into the shallows attempting  to destroy their enemy… bit naughty really as Ireland was supposed to be neutral but in fact had leanings in  friendship towards the French. The  HUGE anchor from the sunken vessel now sits in the Bantry Bay market place for all to see, along with several cannon dotted along the water front.


Hi Six,

looking forward to read your campaign blog!!!  :)


2013 Painting Competition - Winner!

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Quote from: sixsideddice on 02 June 2012, 02:12:57 AM

Okay, I admit it....  I have no idea what it means  :-[  what’s an AAR?

After Action Report  :)

Nice anchor too  8)


02 June 2012, 08:58:29 AM #10 Last Edit: 02 June 2012, 09:00:12 AM by sixsideddice
QuoteAfter Action Report  

oh Duh!!!!  thats one I wont forget again in  a hurry   ;D

..........    and cheers  Lemmey.... Annatar   :)


Bantry is a nice place, we used to drive  down there every summer from Belfast for a holiday when I was a kid.

There used to be a village round near Bantry that had nothing but English people in it, they were all old hippies from he 60's that moved across.

Maybe there's a plot in there for strange underground rites etc, or maybe I am just thinking of the Wicker Man

I wonder if Leon could do a 10mm Christopher Lee wearing a dress for us
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!



Bantry is a nice place, we used to drive  down there every summer from Belfast for a holiday when I was a kid.

There used to be a village round near Bantry that had nothing but English people in it, they were all old hippies from he 60's that moved across.

Maybe there's a plot in there for strange underground rites etc, or maybe I am just thinking of the Wicker Man

I wonder if Leon could do a 10mm Christopher Lee wearing a dress for us

Yeah, it is a really quaint place...  but a LOT of trouble now with the travellers at night...   we`re not meant to say that if we want to be politically correct (meant to love and welcome them with open arms  =) ), but then again...   my GOD they cause a lot of violence, and other sorts of trouble. Court day here is just lines and lines and lines of them in a row; cos the only troube round here is  due to them.

WOw, you know Bantry well then Fenton. I wonder if the place you are thinking of is Durrus, or maybe Ballylicky? Bantry area is teeming with pagans... Wicker Man is a given here  ;)

OOOoooh  10mm  Wicker Man minis  =P~

QuoteLooks to be a complete anchor to!

yep, it is.


Quote from: sixsideddice on 02 June 2012, 05:49:40 PM

WOw, you know Bantry well then Fenton. I wonder if the place you are thinking of is Durrus, or maybe Ballylicky? Bantry area is teeming with pagans... Wicker Man is a given here  ;)

I haven't been in about 30 years to be honest but I always remember it being nice

If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!