Rules for League of Augsburg

Started by lentulus, 28 May 2012, 02:22:31 AM

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I will probably regret asking this, but...

What rules are you using for this period, and why?

Ben Waterhouse

Beneath the Lily Banners


It feels right.

It has a first class discussion forum both on the rules and the period.

It has relatively simple mechanics.

goat major

I'm going to be using Lily Banners too for all the same reasons as Ben
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Make sure you are using Beneath the Lily Banners 2nd Edition.


Ben Waterhouse

Yes 2nd Edition, I should have said.

Jim Ando


If  you do want to play BLB it`s  got to be the second edition.

We nearly had fisticuffs at the old club over the first edition as it was very ambiguous.

We had a game using black powder but pike and shotte is out now and will work fine (wouldn`t touch them for the TYW/ECW though).



Thanks, guys, real consensus.  Scarey, actually.   ;)


Quote from: lentulus on 29 May 2012, 02:28:46 AM
Thanks, guys, real consensus.  Scarey, actually.   ;)
Mmm, a betrayal of a wargamer's sacred right to quibble endlessly over minutiae of an arbitrary and illiterate set of rules. Could mean the end of Kriegspiel as we know it.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


I am sorry I am going to break the consensus. I would recommend the Captain General set by the Pike and Shot Society -

These rules are the best reflection of the League of Augsburg period that I know of, although they can be a bit fiddly to play. They don't look great and have no flashy eye candy - instead they are just good rules.

In contrast Beneath the Lily Banners are full of historical inaccuracies and other problems. I would certainly agree that the 1st edition was full of playability problems and the 2nd edition is generally better, but still with problems. They do have a lot of eye candy if that is what you like.

On the BLB forum this was certainly a great place in the past. Unfortunately in recent years various problems, the attitudes of some people there and other issues have changed this. Most of the people with genuine knowledge of the period have either left the forum or stopped posting. Sometimes those leaving have insisted on their posts being deleted and so making some of the threads very strange. It is now OK for bits and pieces but I wouldn't rely on it unless detailed sources are given or it is backed by good quality information elsewhere.



I will have another look at Captain General. Its been a while.

If I recall my initial games produced some very strange fire combat results and the movement of affected units began to resemble ballroom dancing.

Again if I recall, the dice scores producing those results appeared very random, as opposed to having some probability basis.




Quote from: FierceKitty on 29 May 2012, 04:11:54 AM
Mmm, a betrayal of a wargamer's sacred right to quibble endlessly over minutiae of an arbitrary and illiterate set of rules. Could mean the end of Kriegspiel as we know it.

The Kreigspeil games we used to play were based on the principle that the players had no business knowing the rules in any case.  ;)
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


What is the basing standard for BLB2?



From memory in 25mm recommended basing is 15-20mm frontage x 20-25mm depth for infantry with 5-6 figures per base, 20-25mm frontage x 25-30mm depth for cavalry with 3 figures per base.  Figure scale about 1:30.  Three bases per infantry battalion. Infantry units with pikes have an additional base of pikes (3-6 figures) usually positioned behind the line.   Cavalry 'squadrons' of 2 bases.  In 25mm 15-30 units would usually need an 8' x 6' table.




Quote from: kustenjaeger on 31 May 2012, 08:06:42 AM
From memory in 25mm recommended basing is 15-20mm frontage x 20-25mm depth for infantry with 5-6 figures per base, 20-25mm frontage x 25-30mm depth for cavalry with 3 figures per base. 
That would be per figure?

Might be fun to do 10mm in the same scale, with 4 figures on the same space as 1 25mm figure.

Ben Waterhouse

I'm doing 30x30mm using the same figure ratio as the big boys.