World War 1 Project

Started by Si Tyler, 27 February 2012, 09:45:04 PM

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Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Those are belting !!
Cheers - Phil


That camouflage is very "14-18". Nice work, Si.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.

Si Tyler

I have been banned from doing any online shopping for a while after getting a bit carried away buying bits for my gun(s) so been going through my unpainted lead box and trays to see what I have that I just haven't gotten around to painting.

I have a PD order in progress (which was part of my over extension :)   )

WW1 Russians
1 RP1 - Russian Inf
2 RP9 - Russian Inf marching
1 RP2 - Russian MG
1 RP4 - 76.2mm Divisional guns
1 RP5 - 122/152mm Corp pieces
1 RP12 - Heavy Artillery crews

I have a total of 14 unpainted Russians in the unpainted pile to go with that lot so this hopefully will not take long

WW1 Germans
1 GP5 - Yes another Battalion of 3 77mm FG for the Germans
1 PPW20 - Standard Bearers to add to the WW1 Germans

The standard Corps will be finished when I make up some additional command bases.

2 Battalions of Jagers need to have the cyclist company added (no idea about bikes so might have to see what I can find in the railway model arena)

6 Regiments of German Cavalry and dismount stands to go with them still need to be done.
I don't have a horse artillery battery to go with them either just yet....(have to see what my birthday brings)

Other Armies
WW1 Late War French army. Came to me as a present. Comprises about 144 Infantry, slack handful of MGs, what looks like 3 Regiments of Cavalry and 12 artillery pieces.  All stuck on bases and undercoated.  There is an unpainted pile of lead in a bag.  Might only do the one division of French and leave them as a defending Army for GWSH or a simple SB army.

WW1 1916+ Brits.
I had made a start on the second division but hadn't got very far on that and in fact some of the earlier stuff needs finishing.  Probably 100 Infantry in the unpainted pile plus 3 Guns and 12 MGs.  Will see if I can get as far as sticking them on bases at least this weekend
Still short of the Rest of the Div Arty and the Corps pieces but again they can wait for a while.
The second MkIV needs to be painted as it has sat for ages unloved.
The Trench mortars also need finishing

Si Tyler

Bit of work on the Brits over the weekend. I have refreshed the earlier MkIV that I had painted in a light grey to a green and then finished the second MkIV that had been sat in the unpainted pile.  I also got around to doing the trench mortars.  These are the normal toffee apple version.  There was a suggestion that by cutting off the apple they could be used for something else, which I did.  Not really happy with these as they stand as they really should be in some form of entrenchment so might play around once I have the rest finished (so they wont get done then :)  )


OK, why does one Mk IV have two guns in a sponson whilst the other has only one? or are they male and female? Think I've answered my own question   :-[
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.

Si Tyler

LOL, yes the male is the one with the single gun.  The female with the twin MGs


The guns on the Mk V Female model are considerably overscale, though accurately scaled ones would be very fragile and possible impractical to cast.

There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

Si Tyler

I like the green I have found for the tanks.  I have now used it to refresh the work on the British artillery as well.  VJ Brown Violet.  I have used it on modern uniforms and webbing before.

Downside of getting my finger out is that I don't have enough bases for the next order which PD have kindly emailed me that it is on its way :)  So they will have to sit in the unpainted lead pile and not get undercoated as quickly as I thought.

Si Tyler

Posted last night, arrived this morning

The PPNW20 pack matches quite well with the rest of the troops with Picklehaub.


The FPW flags match a couple of the units I wanted as well which was a bonus.  Grenadier Regiments Nr. 3 and Nr.4 get something close enough.  3rd Battalion flags for the others go in.  They need to be touched up to get rid of the white paper edges and then based.  They need to go in the boiler cupboard to cure off though.


Looking very good !
Cheers - Phil

Si Tyler

29 May 2014, 02:00:56 PM #132 Last Edit: 29 May 2014, 03:07:30 PM by Si Tyler
Bases arrived this morning (29th) so the remaining Russian Infantry and Artillery have all been mounted.

While not at the end I can see it from here (for the Russian Army).  These are the last elements of the two divisions.  I still have to finish them and then work on the Cavalry division

Sodding hell!  I have just counted up what I have done for this "minor" diversion.

  • The figures for the Brits are conservative as I am only part way through.
  • The Germans are only the 1914 figures and I have loads more MGs in the spares box which will need to come out.
  • The French is only what is in the box and not what is in the unpainted pile as I haven't researched this lot yet.  
  • Russians are therefore the only force that isn't likely to increase