New Pendraken project begins

Started by Bishop Lord, 15 December 2011, 05:09:42 PM

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Bishop Lord

15 December 2011, 05:09:42 PM Last Edit: 15 December 2011, 05:11:42 PM by Bishop Lord
Well after some thought as to what Pendraken army is next?  shall I stay in my comfort zone and go for another Medieval army French HYW or Italian Condotta both armies Id like to have but Ive loads of Medieval armies I fancy something different do I go for another Dark age hmm? Ive not finished my Saxons so dark Ages not a good idea.Ancient all my ancients are 6mm so no point going ancients. So without further ado Ive just ordered some ECW, way out of my comfort zone Ive had a small ECW 28mm in the past but I'm going to go big with this one Ive got some reading on the subject,and I believe Father Christmas is bringing 'Massacre, the storming of Bolton' book (I live on the edge of Bolton and the local pub has the skull of the chap who removed the Earl of Derby's head from the rest of him, behind the bar.So should prove interesting).I'm also going to post up progress on the forum and my Blog.
Any advise from you good men would be appreciated.I think Ive missed the deadline for Christmas post so watch this space in the new year :)

" there is no more Jerusalem, I shall go to Cyprus..."

2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Ahh, that's who I spoke to on the phone!  I'm rubbish with names, you should have said it was you!  We'll get the ECW's out asap, should have them between Xmas and NY hopefully.

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Bishop Lord

15 December 2011, 05:53:36 PM #2 Last Edit: 15 December 2011, 06:04:07 PM by Bishop Lord
Ah? I thought I was speaking to Dave ;D,I registered last night so I could order on line today , but rang you up instead(don't ask ;D)

" there is no more Jerusalem, I shall go to Cyprus..."

2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Unless you have a ruleset in mind, I'd recommend the purchase of Regiment of Foote, by Peter Pig

near the bottom of the page and a snip at £10, good for solo play, a blast at club nights, the pre-battle sequence is fun with sections of your army being dragged off by the local Witchfinder General so they dont turn up for the battle, etc. A whole load of fun.



I'll second that. I've had great fun over the years with them, as well as Civil War Battles (ACW) and Bloody Barons (WOR).
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


I love the ECW - I'm pretty sure these were my second lot of armies from Pendraken...great fun to play, especially if you can weave in some local flavour as you say.

Some pics of mine in action:,389.0.html

Bishop Lord

Thanks for the heads up Gordon and Mr D Puritan I think I may just take a look at those rules from Peter Pig,to start with though I'm going for Warmaster it a set I know and there's a chap at our club that's wrote some additions for ECW.When Warlord bring out Pike and Shotte I will also take a look at those.

Nik REALLY nice looking Battle rep and armies gives me a standard to aim for and hopefully get as good as :) I will put up a link to it on my blog in my next post if that's okay?
" there is no more Jerusalem, I shall go to Cyprus..."

2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Of course - feel free  :)

FWIW I use Tony Barr's excellent RenaissanceMaster rules for ECW - here:

Bishop Lord

Thanks for link the Nik :)

Ive also started a post here so this subject doesn't clutter the general area of the forum.,57.0.html

" there is no more Jerusalem, I shall go to Cyprus..."

2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!