Romanian WW2 figures

Started by Sunray, 19 November 2011, 05:08:04 PM

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Does anyone in the forum game with a Romanian WW2 army/ BKC battlegroup ? If  so would love to see images of the Pendragon RO series figures .

Sunray out


20 November 2011, 01:11:32 AM #1 Last Edit: 21 November 2011, 07:35:00 AM by Leon
Hi Sunray

Came across a posting about Romanians,


Maybe the blogger has more pics.



EDIT: Pics resized.


Not many, and the ones on the blog show my limitations as a painter more than anything.   


Many thanks  for the info and replies.   What prompted my query was that in 10mm,  the figures might pass for 1940s Dutch -  apart from the blanket roll which may not have been Dutch equiptment ?   Has anyone tried this conversion? Add a few French officers in Kepi and you could have a viable 1940s battle group. Their support kit was the Italian 47mm anti gun. 

Sunray out


20 November 2011, 05:23:20 AM #4 Last Edit: 20 November 2011, 05:31:29 AM by GrumpyOldMan
Hello Sunray

Haven't found any info on blanket rolls for Dutch infantry but did find some pictures with a large roll hanging on the back:-

Maybe Russians in greatcoats, or Romanians in winter equipment could be used for Dutch marines:-

The only other option I can think of is maybe SCW spanish helmet types, the Spanish and Dutch helmets are sort of similar if you hold them at arms length and squint  :D.




Some great images of  "the cloggies"- many thanks.

Yes, the Romanian helmet is a dead ringer and at a pinch you could use the Pendraken Romanian figures.

How cool is that shot in the 1940s of the bomb actually leaving the mortar tube ! 

Sunray out