
Started by nikharwood, 11 April 2010, 09:35:39 PM

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I'm re-reading "Battlefield Britain" at the moment & have just enjoyed the Culloden chapter: has anyone gamed this one - or indeed Prestonpans?

I think this conflict would be a real spectacle on-table & am seriously considering doing it...but must admit that I know very little about this (beyond what I've just read)...if anyone's got OOBs or suggestions of how to game this - and pics too - that'd be great  8)

@Leon: any chance of some Jacobite pics at some point?


Yeah, no bother, I think I've got all the codes in my spares trays. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!

Dave Fielder

I think the campaign would be a good idea -  see if the Jocks can get any further south than Preston (I think that was the limit if their exploitation). The Warmaster rules (or a variant of) would do very well as it is worth gaming at unit/battalion/clan level.

Culloden was a bit of a disaster for the Bonnie Prince due to his CV being probably about 7, all the Jocks using initiative move only and the Brit/German Army simply being able to outshoot them with arty and muskets. There was some hand to hand, but by then it was a foregone conclusion. Maybe some chance for heros to play in the game aka Battle of Five Armies Style. Michael Caine made a good Jock in a 1971 film: Kidnapped.

Any reconstruction could centre around who can get the Jocks the furthest across the battlefield -  a good participation battle. How about this for Legionary 2011?  ;D
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis

Dave Fielder

British Army at Culloden according to a very old list I found in the loft about 10 minutes ago....

1st Royals 400 Foot
3rd Howard's 400 Foot
4th Barrels's 400 Foot
8th Wolfe's 400 Foot
13th Pulteney's 400 Foot
14th Price's 400 Foot
20th Bligh's 400 Foot
21st Campbell's 400 Foot
25th Semphill's 400 Foot
27th Blakeney's 400 Foot
34th Cholmondeley's 400 Foot
36th Fleming's 400 Foot
37th Munro's 400 Foot
48th Conway's 400 Foot
62nd Battereau's 400 Foot
64th London Argyll Militia 400 Foot

Cobham's Dragoons 800
Lord Mark Kerr's Dragonns 800
Kingston Horse 800

10 x 3pdrs

Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis

Dave Fielder

And here is the Bonnie Prince Jock McSporran moving targets at Culloden:

Infantry (Most are Highlanders with Broadsword, target, dirk and maybe a musket ... tired, hungry, ginger and a bit cross)
Atholl - 500
Camerons - 700
Stewarts of Appin - 300
Fraser - 300
Chattan - 500
Farquarson - 400
Mixed Clans - 200
Roy Stewarts - 200
Macdonlads: Clandranalds - 300
                  Keppoch - 200
                  Gelngarry - 500
Irish/French - 175 (Ex French Army Regulars) (Disciplined smoothbore muskets)
Scots Royals - 300 (Ex French Army Regulars) (Disciplined smoothbore muskets)
Perth - 200
Glenbucket - 200
1/Lord Louis Gordon - 200
2/Lord Louis Gordon - 200
1/Ogilvy Angus - 200
2/Ogilvy Angus - 200

Dismounted - 200
Mounted - 180

4 light guns - probably 3 pdrs, but poorly manned and with little ammo
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis

Dave Fielder

Note that most early battles the Government Forces were surprised and did not know how to deal with the Highland charges. Once the Jocks had gone as far south as they could they lost spirit and started a retreat (wrong answer but there you go!). The Brits/Germans then managed to re-org and re-train and the Duke of Cumberland led a disciplined, well fed and well supplied army up into the Highlands. The rest makes for a good documentary or display on the table top.
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis

Dave Fielder

Nik - Tartan in 2mm?  :o
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


Nah - I reckon it'll be more impressive in 10mm  - although 2mm would be a nice challenge, eh?  ;)

Thanks for all the info Dave - really appreciated; I'll be thinking of a WMA variant for this for certain [I'm pretty sure there's a decent Marlburian one which would be a good startpoint] - I'll also look to do the whole campaign as I think you're effectively looking at 3 battles: Prestonpans, Falkirk & Culloden. I like your thinking re CVs etc as well

@Leon: thanks mate, appreciated whenever you get a chance (no mad panic on this at all)


13 April 2010, 08:19:30 PM #8 Last Edit: 13 April 2010, 08:22:07 PM by nikharwood
I clearly read your posts quickly to start with Dave - I've just re-read & enjoyed your turn-of-phrase here  ;D

I think it'd be *great* to do Bonnie Prince Jock McSporran's moving targets at Legionary next year - or, if I can get my skates on, it could be seen at Nikfest in December  8)

Oh - and painting them as "tired, hungry, ginger and a bit cross" will be fun!


Will the person playing Bonnie Charlie have to speak in French the whole game so no one can understand his orders?
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!



   Frank Chadwick did an excellent Jacobite supplement for Volley and Bayonet some years back. As well as period specific rules changes it had scenarios for all the battles, with historical notes and OOBs. Perhaps it might be worth hunting  for a copy?

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Dave Fielder

Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis

Dave Fielder

Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


Fab idea Nick! Ive been to Culloden a few times now (obviously to gloat at the Jockonease) I think it would make for a great game - all the various Clans etc - and Im sure a few of the Ginger maniacs wore period military clothing too - ie tricorns/blue coats - and the Scotish horse (Royal Ecosse?)- wore some form of short bearskin type grenadier headress) Also a bit of Scot on Scot action as Im sure the 1st Regt (Goverment forces) were the Royal Scots?. Im sure Ive a book somewher with a few uniform details so ill get back to you with more detail.  :)
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