Dungeon World Questions

Started by Blaker, 18 September 2011, 09:24:20 PM

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Howdy Six,

The game sequence is, Initiative, Mover Strategy, Mover Action, Non-Mover Shoot, Melee


1) I win Initiative and after I melee, do you get to go through the same sequence and then we roll for a new Initiative  OR  after I finish my melee we roll for a new Initiative?

2) Multi-Shot:

2a) do I roll all dice and then assign which hit dice go to which targets and roll the wound dice for each target?

2b) do I just roll all dice, the roll all hit dice and then assign wounds to targets?

2c) do I roll all my dice, say 6, on each target in LOS then roll for wounds on each target?

Thanks  ;)


QuoteHowdy Six,

Hi there Blaker  :)
The game sequence is, Initiative, Mover Strategy, Mover Action, Non-Mover Shoot, Melee

Game sequence is: Initiative (both sides roll for this), Movers Action Phase, Non Movers Shooting Phase, then Melee Phase (both sides fight) - there is no Movers Strategy Phase.


1) I win Initiative and after I melee, do you get to go through the same sequence and then we roll for a new Initiative  OR  after I finish my melee we roll for a new Initiative?

You win initiative, so you get a Movers Action Phase, then the Non Mover Shoots - then you both get to Melee - the non movers fights with what is left after you make your melee.

Quote2) Multi-Shot:

2a) do I roll all dice and then assign which hit dice go to which targets and roll the wound dice for each target?

2b) do I just roll all dice, the roll all hit dice and then assign wounds to targets?

2c) do I roll all my dice, say 6, on each target in LOS then roll for wounds on each target?

2a see `b` below

2b  yep thats right

2c   see `b` above


No worries, anytime  :)

Happy gaming.



Thanks Six,

Okay still a bit confused on the Multi-Shot, lets see if I get it right  :P

There are 3 targets in my LOS and range, my missle attack is 6, so do I roll 6 dice against the first target then roll for Kills , then 6 dice against the second target then roll for Kills and finally roll 6 dice against the 3rd target and roll for Kills


Do I roll 6 dice and then roll all Hit dice for wounds and then assign the wounds to the 3 target in any way I choose, even if I decide to dump them all on one target?

Would it matter if they all have different Armor Values?

Reason I am confused is the "tommy gun" proposal Maybe decreasing attack rolls for multiple shots after the first: so 5 to 4 to 3 etc, with a limit of d6 shots per action...  This leads me to believe I roll all my attack multiple times at different targets during the same action   :-\


Thanks Six,

Okay still a bit confused on the Multi-Shot, lets see if I get it right 

There are 3 targets in my LOS and range, my missle attack is 6, so do I roll 6 dice against the first target then roll for Kills , then 6 dice against the second target then roll for Kills and finally roll 6 dice against the 3rd target and roll for Kills

No  :)


Do I roll 6 dice and then roll all Hit dice for wounds and then assign the wounds to the 3 target in any way I choose, even if I decide to dump them all on one target?

yes thats right

QuoteWould it matter if they all have different Armor Values?

Not in the slightest. You roll your "To Hit" dice, and then any kill dice, and then assign those dice where ever you like, so long as the dice can match the Armour of the target.

QuoteReason I am confused is the "tommy gun" proposal Maybe decreasing attack rolls for multiple shots after the first: so 5 to 4 to 3 etc, with a limit of d6 shots per action...  This leads me to believe I roll all my attack multiple times at different targets during the same action   

I see where you`re coming from, but its simply throw to hit, throw to kill, and assign where you like... clean and simple. Anything else would slow down play and get awefully complicated.

Hope that helps Blaker?    :-bd



Hey Six - Yes that clears it all up nicely - -  Now get to bed!!  :D


hehe no problem at all :-)

its funny isnt it...  when you see it from another angle it all makes sense. Usually makes more sense when actualy playing too.

Night night, I`m off to bed as well; 4:20 am here  :o

Six  :)


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Hey its only 11:24PM here  -  -  I gotta long way til bed time  :D



:D    yeah but do you EVER sleep Leon?

QuoteHey its only 11:24PM here  -  -  I gotta long way til bed time  

hehe ^^


www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


More Questions or more like clearing things up  ;)

Okay sooo in the 2nd Edition  Ye Olde Shoppe section;

Items Cost in Gold Coins
. . . New Skill* 1000
Other Skills  1000 . . .

Purchasable Abilities Purchasable Spells
. . . Fast Magic Power Up . . .


What is the difference between Skills and Abilities?

What is "Fast Magic Power Up" ?

Other Skills paragraph. . .  may be purchased at 2000 Gold each. The default skills listed below in the old shope cost only half this amount of gold.

Are the default skills supposed to be those listed under the heading:  Purchasable Abilities Purchasable Spells?

For example if I want to purchase a Magic Power Up it will cost 1000 gold and then I roll on the Special Magical Abilities Power Up Table for a random spell or do I just choose which spell I want?

Also, it seems that spells are mixed into the Special Abilities section, is that correct?

thanks  :P


QuoteMore Questions or more like clearing things up 

Okay sooo in the 2nd Edition Ye Olde Shoppe section;

Items Cost in Gold Coins
. . . New Skill* 1000
Other Skills 1000 . . .

Purchasable Abilities Purchasable Spells
. . . Fast Magic Power Up . . .


What is the difference between Skills and Abilities?

Quite simply, all abilities are the “special abilities” listed, and skills are... synonymous. Skill/Ability â€" same thing. Bit like saying Miniature or Figure when describing your proud collection of 10mm goodies. I can see where this could be a bit misleading, as I don`t think I make this clear anywhere in the rules. I just assumed it was was obvious, because it is to me...  silly assumption on my part really.

QuoteWhat is "Fast Magic Power Up" ?

Fast Magic Power up is a special ability/skill you can find, pick up and use straight away in the game without having to leave the dungeon and find a shop to buy purchase.

QuoteOther Skills paragraph. . . may be purchased at 2000 Gold each. The default skills listed below in the old shope cost only half this amount of gold.

Are the default skills supposed to be those listed under the heading: Purchasable Abilities Purchasable Spells?

Yeah, that`s right. The list written down in the old shoppe is small (intention there is that individual DM`s may add to this `cheap` list themselves at their leisure). The rest of the special abilities (which if you note, never clearly differentiates between being an ability or a spell, because it’s pretty academic) under the Special Abilities section are all purchasable at a cost of 2000 gold each.

For example if I want to purchase a Magic Power Up it will cost 1000 gold and then I roll on the Special Magical Abilities Power Up Table for a random spell or do I just choose which spell I want?

Hmmm, actually either are correct. As it stands now you could just throw a die and then pick an ability corresponding to the number thrown. As your collection of abuilities/skills on this list grows, just use a die with a bigger random denominator: D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, etc.

The other way of doing it could be to pick the spell yourself as a DM, or if you are feeling kind and benevolent, let your player`s pick from the list themselves.

QuoteAlso, it seems that spells are mixed into the Special Abilities section, is that correct?

Yeah, I don`t define spells from special abilities. This is deliberate. For example Multi Shot.... with a few modifications (or even left as it is) this could be a Monster`s acid spit weapon, maybe a Dragon`s breath, perhaps a rudimentary flame thrower... or magic missiles fired from a wizard`s staff.

Same with other abilities. I kind of imagine a ranger using " Checking" is using his nature skills to and applying his dungeon wisdom to the task in hand. Where as a magic-y type Hero would be using esoteric arcana to arrive at the same place.


Anytime, and thanks for asking. I`m always here to explain things.

Six  :-\  <--- trying to look thoughtful and intelligent


....... fails, because of all the typos  :(



Thanks Six.

I still could not find "Fast Magic Power Up" mentioned in the rules other than  under the Purchasable Abilities/Skills.

So how would it work?  Can it be used by your hero while still in the dungeon or after the crawl and doing after game maintenance ?  Is is different from Magic Power Up?



QuoteI still could not find "Fast Magic Power Up" mentioned in the rules other than  under the Purchasable Abilities/Skills.

Yeah, I can totally see why you read it as it stands; it really doesn`t explain anything more than this is something you can purchase. In this case, I mean that... well I see it like going into a shop (in this case perhaps a Magical Guild or School) and getting a capable magic user to kit you out with a new ability; I dunno, maybe through hypnotism, some words mumbled over you as you feel the new power surge into you, perhaps a crash course learned over a musty old tome. Quick Magic here would mean a quick fix ability learned on the spot. You walk in, pay the guy for his time - in Gold, and he teaches you a new ability. As you say, this is what the rules say, and as such states no other intent within the sentence.

The description as I explained it in the last thread... quick magic, magic you can find ad learn immediately... it not stated clearly as being quick magic.

I think it maybe best to think of `quick magic`as any spell a Hero can pick up (either in a shop or found in a dungeon) as something that can immediately be learned.

Probably simpler just to ignore that word entirely - My bad. I`ll grab a hold of Leon and have it edited out of the 3rd ed rule book.

QuoteSo how would it work?  Can it be used by your hero while still in the dungeon or after the crawl and doing after game maintenance ?  Is it different from Magic Power Up

I think it might be fun to have roaming shop keepers dotted here and there about throughout some of the epic big dungeons. I kinda imagine the squeaking wheels of a dungeon vendor as he trundling along through the passages pushing his hand card of goodies; maybe stopped at a crossroads or set up in a chamber.. along  with his cart and portable table - offering supplies and magical wares to any passers-by.

Such an individual would have to have a few tricks up his sleeve to defend himself with. Perhaps the raggedly old man plying his wares would be no push over at all (a retired semi mad adventurer/Paladin looking for the son or daughter he lost in the dungeon years before. He knows they are dead, but keeps hoping to find the sibling and bring them safely home, but his cracked old mind simply cannot comprehend that they are gone, devoured by some horrific encounter and will never come home again - however long he searches).

Only the imagination is the limit here to new ideas you could add.