Pic request for the Northwest Frontier range

Started by tschuma, 13 September 2011, 03:56:20 PM

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Is it possible to post some pictures of the Northwest Frontier Range?  Thinking about expanding my Colonail Project from the Sudan to include the Northwest Frontier and would like to see what they look like.  Although I can already imagine they look fantastic!




Hi Tom

If you check out the the Late 19th C./Colonial Photos there's a few photo's of the NWF range and also there's this as well http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=2356.0. I think there is quite a few other pictures on the forum that other have posted links to.

I would also recommend checking out Pendraken's WW1 range as well as there are plenty of figures theat are compatible with the NWF range. Please let me know if there is anything else?


Thanks for the link.  I have a friend that is working on WW1 and he stated that the Indian figures in that range would work. 

I am looking for pics of the Afgans if possible to deteremine which packs to order....what figure has what weapon.  Plus pics of the other figures would be nice also!




Here's a link to the Afghan tribesmen http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=811.0 The Afghan irregular cavalry are particularly fine as well! I would say if you have the money then order everything that would you want as you want be disappointed with the figures.

In addition to the WW1 range have a think about some of the other colonial ranges e.g. the Highlanders from the Boer War to drafft into your NWF range. Once you get started it gets a bit addictive!  ;)


Awesoem...thanks.. I did a search but no luck. guess I need to refine my searching thinking!.

I am currently painting up the Mahdists Army pack and they are fantastic figures. 

Need to order a few more tiems and then on to the NWF.




Hi Tom

I know what you mean by the "search thinking" it can be a hit or miss affair. Hopefully soon, I'll post some photo's of my NWF figures under the Photo's Forum which might be of interest to you, although after one year I'm still not finished the project   =) but that is part of the fun I think.

I've got the Mahdist army but they're still in the bags waiting to be painted. Good luck with your painting!


I used NW Frontier types as Congolese Arabs for my Darkest Africa project and they are superb figures.

Dave Turner