A Campaign Is Born

Started by sixsideddice, 16 August 2011, 07:36:51 PM

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29 August 2011, 12:21:01 PM #30 Last Edit: 29 August 2011, 12:23:55 PM by sixsideddice

So far we have a huge City layout to drop into the game (isolated and mountainous), with a vast sewer system underneath that, and an even bigger `deeps`below it.

I wonder how she`d react if she knew its all set in a customized version of Expedition to Ravenloft (its okay, if she sees this, she still wont have a clue what Ravenloft is)  

WOOOHahahahahahaahaaa <------  

I just realised my last thread wasn`t totally accurate in its clarity :-\

I`m using Worlds Largest Dungeon and Worlds Largest City, placing these in a slightly customized version of Ravenloft  (i.e. Expedition to Ravenloft and about ten other supplement manuals for that world)  with plenty of scope for expansion in any direction I want to take after that.

The game will be run using Dungeon World and Dungeon World RPG Variations; with a host of DnD 3.5 edition material added where needed. DnD Stat blocks for NPCs, Monsters, etc will be converted to Dungeon World Variations (which is really why Variations exists) to make things easier to run - in keeping with the rest of the Dungeon World mythos... and all in all this adventure will be pretty extensive and very diverse.

The campaign will also include a lot of FFG `Descent`material, as already mentioned.

The website in coming along apace, and all the intro filler is in position already (about 40 pages of A4 to date), and all that remains is for me to read up on materials, paint the last (50 or so) miniatures, take a deep breath, and begin. I`d guess I`ll make the site public (publish I think the `webbies` call it) in about a month from now.


Six  :)


Hi six
Just to say thanks for the links and for the advice, at the moment am just placing small orders but when I have the money I will definitely get the big starter set and go from there.
Looking forward to following your adventures on your own website
Thanks again


QuoteHi six
Just to say thanks for the links and for the advice, at the moment am just placing small orders but when I have the money I will definitely get the big starter set and go from there.
Looking forward to following your adventures on your own website
Thanks again

Thats cool Hector, but how are you going to play your games without a 10mm dungeon, I`m just curious?

As for placing small orders... its a good way of ensuring you get everything painted, because you don`t get snowed under with unfinished metal  :)

Did you look at the DUngeon World (DW) rules? If you take to them, you`ll notice you can play really great games with very few miniatures. Let me know how you get on.

Cheers for now,

Six  :-h


First campaign session is scheduled for tomorrow.... lavish set up and photos, I`m hoping (note to self: must charge the cameras and cam). Results will be put in the website - which will be open sooooooon.

Party starts at last  <:-P

.... naturally its starting in a hybridised Ravenloft; with a deep Warhammer “Old World” feel to it, including  elements of WLD & WLC, Pathfinder D20, and plenty of FFG and Underdark.



Excellent news Six, I shall look forward toseeing you report :D

I'm dead jealous too, as things have been so hectic around here I've not had time to even think about modelling or gaming for several weeks :'(




QuoteExcellent news Six, I shall look forward toseeing you report

I'm dead jealous too, as things have been so hectic around here I've not had time to even think about modelling or gaming for several weeks



Yep I know the feeling Kev. You go through those months when you just can`t find the time, usually because other more important commitments (which, of course, always come first) tend to get in the way of things. In my case lately, I`ve simply lacked my usual `non stop` motivation ... you know how it is sometimes; no matter what you do, you just can`t seem to face getting out all the toys and laying out a table, let alone sitting down to put in all the literary back-work to bring a game to life. Call it writer`s block, or energy drain, whatever, it hits the best of us at times and you either have to ride it out and wait for the enthusiasm to return, or work through it to come out the other side. Hard always to be focused though. But in my case I`m too heavily committed, financially involved, and I have too many players wanting to play that I kinda owe it to them to work through the gaming block. The game, originally just going to be for me and my partner, has sort of expanded now, and I have a line up of friends wanting to get in on the new campaign hehe. So I`ve had my work cut out to pull it all together.

However, I`m ready to go (yeeey) and the first session is tonight, so fingers crossed, the effort will pay dividends. For them, they`ll get to play a good continuing (on-going) game  â€" and for me, I get to start the `meat and veg` of my website, i.e. the `living` campaign itself.

So far the wesite has just been pages and pages of info, homebrew rules, and various bits and pieces. Mind you, it still fills a good 50 pages to date hehe. It’s been hard to concentrate on the filler when all I`ve really wanted to do was get on and play.

Six  :)


......   theres even a bit of gothic style sci-fi added for good measure  ;)


Quote from: sixsideddice on 14 September 2011, 12:38:56 PM
But in my case I`m too heavily committed, financially involved, and I have too many players wanting to play that I kinda owe it to them to work through the gaming block.

No pressure then :P

Quote from: sixsideddice on 14 September 2011, 12:38:56 PM
However, I`m ready to go (yeeey) and the first session is tonight, so fingers crossed, the effort will pay dividends.

Awesome :D Looking forward to hear how it goes 8)

Quote from: sixsideddice on 14 September 2011, 12:38:56 PM
So far the wesite has just been pages and pages of info, homebrew rules, and various bits and pieces. Mind you, it still fills a good 50 pages to date hehe.

Blimey - no wonder you've got writers block after that lot :o




Okay, nearly back on track.... its been a hectic week and I`ve not been able to do anything in days  :(

Site should be open after the week end, late in the week.

Six  8)


Great to hear Six.  Looking forward to visiting your website and reading about and seeing your first day of campaigning!!!   :D

As an aside, have any of you see the Red Steel variation?



Good news six - looking forward to this  8)


UUUUgh!!!!  lost some of the photos, my silly mistake; so I`ll have to set up/stage the missing ones again - so tiny slight delay here, sadly  :(


All good things....... as they say


2013 Painting Competition - Winner!


Got a friend coming over tonight... and I`m guessing she`ll be here `til sometime Sunday, so probably tuesday I`m afraid  :(

Six  :D


Just a l-i-t-t-l-e more time... loads going on which is stopping me doing the important stuff, like gaming  :D