Brutinel's machinegun brigade

Started by ciaphas, 02 August 2011, 05:45:57 PM

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hi, asked along time ago about getting some of these produced, now at the stage of looking for alternatives. This is by no means a critisism, can't imagine too many people have heard of the brigade never mind want to feild it.

can anyone think of a basis for any of these?


i can basicly make up the brigae and attached units from the pendraken range
ie. infantry, armoured cars, etc

my final question is what mortar is closest to

thanks in advance




I'm not sure what the underlying truck body is but you could probably knock something up from plastic card although the wheels might be a bit of a problem.

As for the 6" mortar as far as I know there isn't a model available anywhere in 10mm.  I think the 6" replaced the 2" from about mid 1917 but the 2" probably remained in service with many divisions for quite a long time and Pendraken do a realy lovely model of the 2".

If you want a 6" I'm afraid you'll probably have to scratch build it but given that it was a tube stabalised by 3 steel guys it shouldn't be too hard.


Built on a commercial truck chassis by/from the Autocar company in the USA, but that will not help much.
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Aander lu bin óók lu.


06 August 2011, 06:57:38 PM #3 Last Edit: 06 August 2011, 07:03:03 PM by Hurrah
The driver position is very forward and the sides are not very high. That is going to be a lot of carving away the lead on the cab of any of the WW1 trucks I know of. You might be looking at a horse carriage to provide the doner vehicle.