Which Are Your Favourites?

Started by sixsideddice, 10 July 2011, 09:10:07 PM

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Of the Pendraken Miniatures Fantasy Range, which are your most used races... and for the Dungeons, which monsters would make an appearance most frequently?

For me, as for Race: it would probably have to be Orcs...with Rats (which I call Ver`men) a close second. These form the meat and potatoes of many of my battles and dungeon crawls.

As for my most used Dungeon Crawl Monsters: Well I use the Slimes a lot, often in quite large numbers. Rats swarms would be my next most popular I think.

How about you; which miniatures feature the most in your games?


Undead, always the undead for me. I love having hordes of skeletons in the dungeon. Would like to see more undead types in the Pendraken range.
Better mummies, wraiths and some additional zombies would be good  8)


QuoteUndead, always the undead for me. I love having hordes of skeletons in the dungeon. Would like to see more undead types in the Pendraken range.
Better mummies, wraiths and some additional zombies would be good  

I`d die (scuse the pun) for some additional zombies.  I still have a notion in my head of doing proper, full on, Zombie games in 10mm.... if therer was a big enough range for me to make some of them look a bit more modern; aka George A Romero style.


Yep - always a big fan of the undead...but partial to gobbos too. And kobolds  8)


08 August 2011, 06:19:48 PM #4 Last Edit: 18 August 2011, 09:47:25 AM by sixsideddice
Hmmm, I have a new favourite. I recently made (sculpted is too big a claim... they`re really just blobs) a bunch of Yellow Ocres; I have a thing about slimes, blobs, and jellies in dungeons.

They resemble giant botched bestial puss coloured egg yolks, full of putrid acids and bile - and I just love `em  :D

Six  :D

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
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Having just received and painted my first 'The Pharoah's Tomb' (DNO4) I`d have to modify my new choice of favourite now as being the "Bat Swarm".

Its a really nice cast, and looks like the swarm are actually moving and flying when painted up and placed on the stand. I absolutely love this piece. But I can`t see it to quote the individual order number from the list  - I only see the Bat Swarm included in the dungeon Pharoah set?


Bat swarm is in Fantasy Accessories AC12

Search is your friend. Though it does turn up a whole host of unrelated battalion packs.
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QuoteBat swarm is in Fantasy Accessories AC12

Search is your friend. Though it does turn up a whole host of unrelated battalion packs.

Ah yes, so it is. Nice one fred  :)

Yeah the Bat Swarm is a nice big mini: big base, stands nice and tall on the stand, and importantly looks like a swarm of creatures.




The knights on barded horses: useful for more colour in renaissance armies. The peasants and crossbowmen converted easily to parts of real armies too.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


QuoteThe knights on barded horses: useful for more colour in renaissance armies. The peasants and crossbowmen converted easily to parts of real armies too.

Yes, I use the Barded Horses too. Usually to represent King or Queen`s Life Guard in my fantasy games. Also they make great early Cuirassier for Renaissance and early Civil War battles.

The Peasants and Crossbowman I need to check out  :-\

Six  :)