Pendraken Miniatures for the pacific theatres

Started by Warmachine, 25 March 2010, 08:40:29 AM

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25 March 2010, 08:40:29 AM Last Edit: 25 March 2010, 08:44:09 AM by Warmachine
Hi all,

I'm planing on getting some pendraken miniatures to use with the crossfire rule set.

Im trying to get some of the guys hooked, and i was looking in to the pacific theatre instead of west europe '44.

Basically for three reasons, we will be doing some vietnam gaming in the future, jungle scenery looks very nice and we are all hooked up on the pacific series.

How ever since pendraken doesnt produce a pacific range (no marines nor Japanese) i had some quiestions concerning the "usability" of normal US infantary as marines (how much diferente where the uniforms compared to the marines) how much actualy shows on a 10mm. miniature?

Can I more or less use the 1905 Japs? I understand thier equipment even though upgraded had very similar looks.

Thanks in advance,


Warmachine,I would like to remind you that the US Army played a large part in the defeat of Japan.When the glory boys from the Marine corps departed an AO it was upto the Army to push on and secure the area.Some Army divisions played a supporting role during some of the bloodiest island assaults of the war.I wont bother to add any facts,if your interested in the Pacific im sure you know and if your not you wont care........So you can happily field those US infantry against your Japs,just dont give them amtracks.
Professor of the bleedin obvious.



Thanks for the reply, you are right, it was bad of me to forget the poor army boys, they defiantly made thier part in the pacific.

I'm no expert at all, I have read my part of history books, but I only know that i know nothing ;)

So sorry if my question is very basic, could the Pendraken US Infantary be used (or converted) to use as marines? I'm having a hard time identifiying diferances in uniforms between army and marines once they are "on land". And how much of these diferences are visible on a 10mm miniature?

I also concerned that the regular infantary might not serve since in a lot of pictures soldiers are seen with tank tops, sleevless jackets or just a jacket with a bare chest. Would the infantary "suit" up before a battle or on patrol, since i asume that alot of the photos are taken between combat.

Sorry if some of the questions seem stupid, its just my almost complete lack of indepth knowledge of the pacific theatre.

As for uniforms I lack any detailed uniform information, but as an example i was looking at some WWII drawings to see ay diferances between uniforms of the army and the marines.

A picture of regular US GI's

US. Marines

The uniforms look quite alike to me, what details am I missing??

A part from the obvious diferance in color.

Thanks in advance


Watch the new series on TV  "Pacific" you can then see the uniforms up close and any differences you can roughly see for yourself.

may help you :)


Dazza's 10mm Miniature Armies :
" AWI, Colonial, WW2 & Vietnam"

AWI Photos :,560.0.html

Never argue with an idiot; He'll drag you down to his level and beat you by experience.


In 10mm the marines and army will look very similar.  Just like in Vietnam the uniforms turned various shades of green after being in the jungle environment.  The marines did use the Springfield Bolt action rifle early in the war but in 10mm this isn't going to be that noticeable. 

Warmachine - are you looking at early, mid, or late war ?  If you do early war then the marines and army look alot alike, no helmet covers for the marines very early in the Pacific campaign.  But if you gaming group is like mine and doesn't get hung up on the details paint up some figs in us army olive drab or marine reed green and call them what you want.

If you need uniform examples the Osprey books are very good for the Pacific theater from both marine and army.


Cheers Zaapark,

I will look in to those books.

I found some excelente palm tree tutorial here on the forum.

As for the periode Im thinking '42, 43'

Thanks to dazza as well, the series is inspiring my group to play some pacific games, we are trying out the cross fire rule set, it looks quite promosing.

Thanks to every one for the help.