Mexican Revolution

Started by hamsterking, 24 March 2011, 12:43:48 AM

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I'd love to see a range of figures for the Mexican Revolution 1910-1920. Pancho Villa, Emilano Zapata, Federales and etc. Lots of Sombreros, Moustaches and local colour. I agree the politics are confusing (to put it mildly) but there are plenty of gaming opportunities and celluloid inspiration. You even get to use Maquina Loca or exploding trains!

A good starting point to get some basic information  is

You could also extend the range to cover Pershing's pursuit of Villa in 1916, with the important side benefit that the American's would be ideal for covering in the Colorado Coalfields War.

Dave Turner


Hi hamsterking

You could look at the SCW Andaluz militia at, they wear sombreros with cartridge belts. Possibly other SCW figures could stand in also. The Americans from Pershing's army could also be handy for lots of interwar types, not just Americans.




Oh man, SCW 20 would be great for Pancho's mounted army.  And I think the WW1 Americans should work for Pershing's troops, the kit might be a bit funny but it would do in a pinch  ;)

Good Idea Hamsterking  :>


Those Andaluz militias are great for the Mex Rev

All you need now is a MG and Artiillery crew

WW1 British in cap and Japanese from the Russo-Japanese war would do as Federales

Pershings troops need to be in Montana or Smokey Bear hats rather than the tin hats of the western front


Other ranges that could be used include Boers, ACW and the South American Pacific War



I would like to add a vote for this range please.   :)

Nearly all figures would be generic and could be used by both Mexican sides. Its an ideal wargame period with managble sizes to armies meaning whole battles could easily recreated in 10mm.

Cheers, Rob


Forgt it, folks. There's an anti-Mexican conspiracy in the 10mm business.  :(
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Hey, werent the Aztecs really Pacific Islanders way back before . . .   ;D


Quote from: Blaker on 17 October 2011, 11:14:17 PM
Hey, werent the Aztecs really Pacific Islanders way back before . . .   ;D
Thanks for those words of comfort and support.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

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Leon - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


Any figure suggestions for the Constitutionalists?

The new Square Bashing rules have lists for Federal and Revolutionary armies and this has got me interested...