Nyenschantz 1656

Started by streetgang, 27 April 2024, 05:15:29 PM

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My friend Alex and I got in a battle from Russo-Swedish War of 1656-1658 using the Liber Militum Tercios ruleset. Alex brought his 15mm figures from By Fire and Sword. For the battle, he took the "Defenders of the Realm" scenario from the Tercios Kingdoms supplement and crafted it around the siege of Nyenschantz (1656).

I took command of the Russian force (2 pike and shot units, a battalion of Streltsy along with some artillery and cavalry). Alex started with 2 pike and shot units to defend the fortress and 3 cuirassier regiments coming up as reserves.

The Russians escaped near defeat on their right flank as the boyar cavalry played a delaying action while the dragoons and streltsi assaulted the fort.

After 5 turns, the Russians could claim a decisive victory due to the damage done to the fort. Game was much smaller than our refight of Fleurus and was finished in 2 hours. Lots of fun! More pictures and story here: https://lecoqfou.blogspot.com/2024/04/nyenschantz-1656.html?m=1
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Very nice looking game and report. The figures are very well done and I very much like the fort. Is it something you made from scratch or is it an available product?
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Duke Speedy of Leighton

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Quote from: d_Guy on 27 April 2024, 06:58:08 PMVery nice looking game and report. The figures are very well done and I very much like the fort. Is it something you made from scratch or is it an available product?

Thanks for the kind words, I will pass them on to my gaming buddy Alex as everything on the tabletop was his (I just came with my copy of the rules, some dice and a tape measure).

I believe the fort is from Flames of War, their WW2 Desert Fort. From what I recall, Alex had a WW2 French Foreign Legion contingent for FoW and he just repurposed the fort for this scenario.
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