Mixing Scales

Started by Outlawcarl, 22 February 2024, 09:20:33 PM

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The famous David by Michaelangelo was carved with perspective in mind as well.

As yet another related aside, I use 6mm terrain with these 10mm figures, to break any notion the men are to scale. I really like it.  I never want to yuck anyone's yum but as an extreme example, the worst to me is 28s.  12 figures representing the footprint of 800 men.  That's okay, but then you have this giant house.  If you use 28mm terrain one building is a town.  I would down scale the terrain with any figures, unless I am explicitly playing 1:1 scale.
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All right-thinking gamers will agree with you.
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Quote from: BernaDotDotDot on 29 February 2024, 01:10:51 AMAs yet another related aside, I use 6mm terrain with these 10mm figures, to break any notion the men are to scale. I really like it.  I never want to yuck anyone's yum but as an extreme example, the worst to me is 28s.  12 figures representing the footprint of 800 men.  That's okay, but then you have this giant house.  If you use 28mm terrain one building is a town.  I would down scale the terrain with any figures, unless I am explicitly playing 1:1 scale.
I take your point entirely and that is one reason, of several, why 28mm figures are, in my view, impractical for most wargames.  Although our stands of figures are really just counters in a game, the 10 or even 20 figure 28mm unit just looks daft I think.  I do use 10mm buildings with 10mm figures, though, at a figure ratio of 1:10 for all except 20th century stuff, when it is 1:1.  Having two sets of terrain is just not possible, ignoring storage issues.  All 10mm buildings are all underscale anyway, so I don't see it as a problem.  The key thing is the footprint the village occupies, the same goes for woods but I do like my villages and woods, and units, to look something like what they represent. 


I write some things and realize I am just agreeing.  If this were another site Id just do the old upvote. :)  Good points and can understand your use of 10mm terrain in your case.
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Last Hussar

Friend and I once discussed doing a Heroic Greek game using various scales depending on the troops.

Standard line would be (say) 10mm, maybe with Myrmidons at 15mm, important but secondary characters, such as Patroclus, 20mm, and Heroes, like Achilles 28mm.
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

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