The Return

Started by Sean Clark, 19 February 2011, 10:11:49 AM

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Sean Clark

Well, its been a long road travelled since my last post. Back then, pre-fatherhood, I had plans for so much. but the last 5 months have delivered so little :'(

I am afraid family and friends ill health on top of sleepless nights have taken their toll on my hobby. Apart form the odd show, two games down the club and some internet browsing and blogging, wargaming has become a distant friend.

Despite this, I have had numerous ideas for projects, planned purchases, got distracted by the 'ooh shiny' syndrome and planned something differently altogether ad infinitum. Funny how your mind can race from one idea to the next without drawing breath  ;D

Currently I am thinking something small which is both manageable and cheap. So, my thoughts have turned to DBA/Hordes of the Things. Small forces that will look good with lots of Pendraken minis on a base in place of 3/4 15mm. Watch this space. By the time you read this far, I will probably have changed my mind and be drawing up a shopping list for the entire OOB for Blenhiem :-S


God's Own Scale podcast


Life is too important to be taken seriously.


Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


Good to see you back mate - don't worry, you've not missed anything - we were only killing time until you returned  ;) :) 8)

Sean Clark

As ever wargaming trundles on from one new thing to the next  :P

Nice to see its still a friendly place around here amongst the sea of vitriol you get on other forums.

God's Own Scale podcast