AWI Royalist Uniforms?

Started by lekw, 20 October 2022, 07:53:53 PM

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Okay another American Revolution question for the experts; I am confused about Royalist uniforms? Specifically, the Live Free or Die rules have Hamiltons NC Loyalists and Bryan's NC Loyalists in the Camden order of battle anyone know how these units dressed? Would I be better off using malitia figures or British in round hats? Thanks!!!


Not 'an expert' as such, so don't know, unfortunately. Nor could I find anything in the limited resources available to me. So, until someone comes up with some definitive information, you'll just have to take "a view."

From what I've read, some Militia units (notably in the North) were very well turned out whilst others, particularly the rank & file, would likely be dressed in civvies with the officers more likely dressed in military uniform (usually red or green coats). Not only paying due attention to the year and the location of the battle, I also read somewhere that "the American Command" (as opposed to the "Canadian Command") issued round hats to loyalist units in 1776.

Perhaps not what you hoped for but the good news is this means all you (and I) have to do is paint up a Loyalist command base and team these up with our U.S. Militia bases to form our Loyalist militia units.  :) 
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


Thank you so much for the response Westmarcher. I will likely go for the malitia figures and use some more reds and greens to differentiate them from the Americans.