VBCW masters!

Started by Leon, 13 February 2011, 12:43:34 AM

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13 February 2011, 12:43:34 AM Last Edit: 03 April 2011, 08:22:31 PM by nikharwood
Not quite Thursday, but here you go!  Lots of options for these, whether as VCBW types, partizans, etc.

From left to right:
Shotgun + cap / Lewis gun, helmet, light webbing / 2 x Rifle, helmet, light webbing
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Nice  8)

I might even change my opinion on AVBCW at this rate - not on the sourcebooks though which, IMNSHO, are ridiculously badly written, stupidly badly proof-read, with the production values of a really bad Parish newsheet. Shocking, quite frankly.

The concept is coolio though  8)


Like them, especially the guy with the shotgun
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!

republic of tolworth

Very nice, good one snafu 8)

Do like the shotgun chap too.

I don't mind the source books. Parish mag, well fits in with the theme ;D
League of the dayglow Aztec Empire.

Steve J

Very nice and very, very tempting.


great figures, when do you start casting  ;)

My only gripe on the source books is that the knowledge of the politics of the time is quite poor, especially regarding the strength of the left and trade union movement, which is what had stopped the fascists historically.

Apart from that it is a fun fantasy game using late'30's kit, it also gets you reading local history. I found out yesterday that there was an airfield in the 30's less than a mile from me on the other side of the A3 near where Kingston RFU play.


Ooh with an airfield I always find a 144th junkers is a must, just nice to land those fascists for a local scramble...  :ar!
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!


The figs are quite tempting. 8)  I hadn't seriously considered the genre before but now definitely have. The inter war period is already a favorite and It can't hurt to toss in a little fiction.

Nik, I haven't seen any of the sourcebooks and am now not interested in doing so with such low marks given. Thanks for the warning.  ;)

The genre seems to be gamed at skirmish or fire team level. What rules are people using out there?



Quote from: CorvetteK225 on 13 February 2011, 12:41:58 PM
Nik, I haven't seen any of the sourcebooks and am now not interested in doing so with such low marks given. Thanks for the warning.  ;)

The genre seems to be gamed at skirmish or fire team level. What rules are people using out there?

Having a nose about here: http://gwargamesp.18.forumer.com/index.php?showforum=4 will give you more than enough info & pointers...for rules there are plenty of options, my favourite would be BKC but we played using Contemptible Little Armies at Nikfest [which I used to use for WW1] which worked really well too.



would def be interested in looking at BKC for the rules. shouldnt be hard to adapt. we play a lot in 28mm and use a variation of a few sets with house ammendments. When i designed these I was thinking of some good large battles which you dont tend to do in 28mm games.
There are lots of other pend figures that can give you a good start. the british late WWII are a good source, will cover British army and territorials and of course the scots. this will be my next army pack  :)
I have some further plans for this range inc ...

plenty of civilians, also able to use as partizans.
naval shore forces
characters !!!
The clergy..

2011 Painting Competition - Winner!


Quote from: CorvetteK225 on 13 February 2011, 12:41:58 PM
I haven't seen any of the sourcebooks and am now not interested in doing so with such low marks given. Thanks for the warning.  ;)

Despite my gripe with some of the politics, the sourcebooks are still worth a look, I think Nik is being a little harsh. They are usually about at most shows, have a browse and make your mind up there.



Sadly, the shows and stores are a bit of distance.  :(   I do have Gen Con nearby, but it is mostly fantasy/RPG centered (not my personal gaming genres). Like many gamers, I must to rely on others' reviews and then shop wisely (If there is such a thing!).  ;D



Quote from: Sandinista on 13 February 2011, 03:03:14 PM
the sourcebooks are still worth a look, I think Nik is being a little harsh.


Dunno - for £12 I expect something to be free from spelling mistakes & to have [at least] a basic grasp of grammar as well as pics that are shot in high resolution...it may be that everything's been sorted [I think they're onto 2nd edition?] but I unloaded my copies after first reading. Some of their 'local' info is off too - can't remember the exact example but some of their Somerset stuff was wrong...

I think that once you've got to grips with the base concept, it's easy enough [& more satisfying] to do your own local research & come up with plausible units, scenarios etc. And you can spend the cash you've saved on more Pendraken figs  ;)


Quote from: nikharwood on 13 February 2011, 04:19:34 PM
Dunno - for £12 I expect something to be free from spelling mistakes & to have [at least] a basic grasp of grammar as well as pics that are shot in high resolution...it may be that everything's been sorted [I think they're onto 2nd edition?] but I unloaded my copies after first reading. Some of their 'local' info is off too - can't remember the exact example but some of their Somerset stuff was wrong...

I think that once you've got to grips with the base concept, it's easy enough [& more satisfying] to do your own local research & come up with plausible units, scenarios etc. And you can spend the cash you've saved on more Pendraken figs  ;)
I've got a copy of the second sourcebook, but it was a freebie after I challenged the publisher about the fact that he had used some of my photos of our games I had posted on GWP without asking. I know copyright on the interweb is a grey area, but considering he is using them for financial gain I would have appreciated being asked. Especially  has they have this pretend 'gentleman' thing going on over at GWP!


Quote from: nikharwood on 13 February 2011, 04:19:34 PM
I think that once you've got to grips with the base concept, it's easy enough [& more satisfying] to do your own local research & come up with plausible units, scenarios etc. And you can spend the cash you've saved on more Pendraken figs  ;)

I agree with you 100% on that