Exiles Sudan WIP

Started by exilesjjb, 05 February 2011, 04:17:24 AM

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well as I have started my 10mm sudan brits, I wanted to start my WIP thread :D
Ok so I am at work and have no pictures to show you :-w
But I have started honest X_X

I will post pictures tonight 8)
James Brewerton (Exiles Painting)


as promised pictures of WIP, only flesh and main uniform done these are going to be in the grey uniform with off white pith

do not look much ATM but I find they come togther when you ad the details
James Brewerton (Exiles Painting)


 ;) They're looking good! What technique are you using to paint the faces? I can never get that detail on my figures. I'm going to do the Sudan but around the 1898 period however I'll be interested in your painting diary to pick up some tips if you don't mind? Great work!

Captain Verbeek

looking good, I recognize the shooty figs but which ones are the marching guys?
Non Cadmus


Quote from: Captain Verbeek on 07 February 2011, 01:22:24 PM
looking good, I recognize the shooty figs but which ones are the marching guys?
all the figures are from the £20 army deal not sure which pack the marching dudes are from, I have make a little progress but have so many projects on the go with tight deadlines =). I do plan to have something to add to each comp cat by end of the month (if I can work out what goes where on the steam boat)
James Brewerton (Exiles Painting)


I think the marching chaps are from the Boer war range (BW41) as my recent order included the same pack and they look very similar to those in the photo's but I could be wrong........anyway they are very nice figures and include a sergeant type figure instead of a sword waving captain. On a similar note I would recommend the Brit. imp. cavalry from the WW1 middle east range (ME6) for the colonial era as well if you're looking sword armed instead of lancers. They are again very nice figures and both sets would look great marching across the desert.

Captain Verbeek

thank you for the information, I am concentrating on building up Mahdi forces at the moment but will definitely be looking into these figs.
Non Cadmus


Looking good so far James  8)


started work on my Steam boat, very nice model 8). I have added hand rails so it complies with all Elf & safety regs ;D

James Brewerton (Exiles Painting)


Quote from: exilesjjb on 10 February 2011, 07:51:25 PM
started work on my Steam boat, very nice model 8). I have added hand rails so it complies with all Elf & safety regs ;D

8)  Good stuff, it'll be good to see this one painted up.
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Pretty cool.  8)  Will the boat be primarily for transport or fire support?



03 March 2011, 08:06:35 PM #11 Last Edit: 03 March 2011, 08:15:20 PM by exilesjjb
Ok real life has calmed down so have got back to my Sudan brits, i finished my test base, very happy with it as did not take to long and still looks OK.
Also the steam boat is ready for undercoat and then some paint. (edit pictures are huge will have to host them somewhere else)
For now pop over to my blog if you want to see the whole picture)

James Brewerton (Exiles Painting)


Nice work, I'm looking forward to seeing more. And it's nice to see I'm not the only one on the forum doing 10mm sudan!

I like the added rails on the steamboat. The openness of it was putting me off ordering one (or two, or three...) but now I see it wouldn't be hard to fix that. Hmm...