French Boys Anti-tank rifle allocation

Started by sultanbev, 29 September 2021, 09:02:45 AM

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Have found some new data on French use of the Boys A/T rifle:

48 were purchased in 1939
400 were received by June 1940 each with 100 rounds, it appears 250 were fast delivered to one coastal town at the end of May.
10,000 were ordered! With the plan for each infantry platoon to have one

The Paratroop company had 7 in 1939
618th Pioneer Regiment (which had some captured MG15) was due to get some on 7th June 1940

34th GRDI - mounted squadron had 1 Boys
other unkonwn GRDI and GRCA, and 2x GIA had a few Boys each.

2nd DLC (Light Cavalry Division) - the 148/20th Road Detachment (whatever that is) had 4 platoons@ 4x Boys June 1940

28th DIA (Infantry Division Type A)
         had 10 Boys in 99th RI; 4 in 97th RI; 6 in 25th DBCA, after June 1st (RI = infantry regiment, DBCA = ? I haven't looked up yet)

151st RI (infantry regiment): 25 Boys in 10th June 1940

6th Army 30th May 1940:
42nd Division: 2 Boys per battalion, 18 total in the division
44th Division: 4 Boys per battalion, 18 total in the division
7th Division: 4 Boys per battalion, 18 total in the division
45th Division: 4 Boys per battalion, 18 total in the division
8th Division: 2 Boys per battalion, 10 total in the division
Each had 200 rounds.

The notes for 6th Army don't make sense if each battalion had the allocated number, so can only assume some battalions had them. At 2 or 4 per battalion, that suggests they were in the Bttn AT platoon, alongside or instead of the 25mm ATG.

Sourced from this forum via googletranslate:


28th DIA is Alpine Division:
25th DBCA is Demi-Brigade Chasseurs Alpines with 3 battalions, thus each has 2 Boys A/T rifle
  99th RIA and 97th RIA are Alpine regiments

Steve J