Cold War Infantry?

Started by Mako, 27 September 2020, 09:14:06 AM

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I think I read somewhere that "Cold War" infantry may possibly be on the workbench, with a release date by the end of the year.

Not sure if that is true, or just a rumor, so feel free to nuke this post if that is unfounded.

Is there a possible release date, and list of which armies' troops will be forthcoming, first?

I would love to see some though, ASAP.  Looking for American, British, Soviet, East German, West German, and Danish troops.  Swedes would be a nice bonus too.

For the Americans and West Germans, preferably with troops wearing the M-1 helmet, as opposed to those that got the "Fritz" helmets at the very end of the Cold War, and/or afterwards.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

The wetsern Europeans except Bundeswhewre can be made from the Falklands Argentiens as they mostly used FAL and MAG. ATGW would be difficult at the moment, nom DRagon. As noted in another thread, and risking a ban by Leon, the PSC stuff is compatable although the material seems to dislike superglue and putting radio anntena on the vehicles is just about impossible.

But yes wew do need proper pewter figures anbd vehicles asap.....                           
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


We'd like to get started on these before the end of the year but things are a little difficult to predict in the current climate.  Initial plans would be Americans, Soviets and West Germans, plus Egyptians, Israelis and Syrians for Yom Kippur. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Quote from: Leon on 27 September 2020, 10:33:02 PM
We'd like to get started on these before the end of the year but things are a little difficult to predict in the current climate.  Initial plans would be Americans, Soviets and West Germans, plus Egyptians, Israelis and Syrians for Yom Kippur.

Pendraken Rumour Control put a line of tracer out on these new ranges some months ago.  You will note Leon's prudent caveat regarding the current climate.   Covid lockdown  stimulated a hobby bonanza in terms of summer sales.  Will that level of  disposable income still be availabe for the winter?  Add uncertainity around Brexit/exports and raw material alloy import.

Cold War is unique as a war that didn't  happen. Yet we know from proxy wars how the equiptment would perform.  Playable rules are out there.  The question if a war game market exists for white metal as already been answered by Minifigs, Timecast and the new boy on the block - Red3.

From a Pendreken perspective, we already have British and NATO Falklands range, plus a wide range of AFVs/MBTs.  17 new  codes would give us Soviet Motor Rifles. Any votes?


Maybe we could look at a Non-Kickstarter.
that way we would generate some of the up front funds to help Pendraken and Leon start the range off.
As has been discussed before the Falklands British could cover BAOR (I know people say they are in winter gear but trust me the North west German Plain is cold (as an example -1 here this morning near Nuremberg))
all that would need to be sculpted first I think would be a range of Soviet infantry (generic for most Warsaw Pact  Motor Rifle infantry,  these were also used as Heli borne assault troops)


Americans can be done with the Vietnam set, though I'd like to see some more poses of that range, e.g. M60 gunner prone and firing, guy running with M-16, guy kneeling and firing M-16, LAW firing, Dragon firing, etc..  106mm Recoilless Rifle Team firing, as well as a TOW team too.

West Germans look pretty much the same, but need the G-3 rifle, and the MG3 MG, as well as the PzFst 44.  Milan team for the Germans - can probably be adapted from the British Milan team.

Gonna need Soviets though.  Perhaps the old Soviet WWII figs with AKs and RPGs might work for them in this scale?

Surely, minor changes needed, if any, other than the weapons.


Quote from: Mako on 28 September 2020, 03:47:00 PM
Americans can be done with the Vietnam set, though I'd like to see some more poses of that range, e.g. M60 gunner prone and firing, guy running with M-16, guy kneeling and firing M-16, LAW firing, Dragon firing, etc..  106mm Recoilless Rifle Team firing, as well as a TOW team too.

West Germans look pretty much the same, but need the G-3 rifle, and the MG3 MG, as well as the PzFst 44.  Milan team for the Germans - can probably be adapted from the British Milan team.

Gonna need Soviets though.  Perhaps the old Soviet WWII figs with AKs and RPGs might work for them in this scale?

Surely, minor changes needed, if any, other than the weapons.

Keep adding your votes. Its what Leon uses as a rough demand barometer. :)
When they get released (not if) they will be Techno's finest.  The Soviet's disgarded the Gymnastjerka in 1970.  By 1975 they had a neat one piece mono suit in summer cammo.  That dress order allows plenty of proxy.
They are coming. Red Dawn is coming!


When we say "Cold War", when do we mean? It could be any time between 1945 and 1991.

I'm guessing we're talking 1980s? I'd like to re-read 1984 by Brig Hackett.

We'd need a FV432, maybe an Abbott, but there a lot of the Brits that can be done with the Falklands range.
Soviets 1969

Soviets 1973

Soviets 1988

Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


For the Soviets and other Cold War troops, I'm interested in them from the 1950s - 1980s, with special interest in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.

Could use some Cold War Danes and Swedes too, from 1970s and later.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Danes - Cent 5 and 5/2 so they are covered using Argentines, transport M113. They alos have M41s ? I think. May also have some M10 Achillies in service til the 80's
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


In discussion with Leon some months ago, we were minded to pitch the Soviet figures (Motor Rifles) in the post 1971 Summer Service Dress and/or the one piece mono summer suit in skeleton order which would periodise them as late 70s-early 80s to compliment existing Brits/NATO proxy

Weapons would include AK74 and RPD. At 1/150 scale the difference between the AK47 and the AK74 are negligible.   The monosuit would lend to a wide range of WP and Third World proxy. They would also have Sagger, RPG7, and Vasikek 82.

Time Cast & Red 3 are mid 1980s.  I would not recommend doing early pre-1970 Cold War figures , as the Soviet uniform was the WW2 Gymnastjerka.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

It's prety difficult to distinguish between an AK47 and 74 in real life ! Would need BMP1 and BMP2 as well as T-64A and T-72 in various gusies.
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Just get the votes in for the figures you want.  Leon will make the call if the outlay is a viable speculation at this very uncertain economic time.

I have raised my eyebrows at a few of the AFVs/MTBs released. How many game with French modern vehicles ? Apart from the ubiquitous Panhard AML.
I would have stuck with a core range of UK, US, Soviet and West German.  Just saying. :)


Quote from: Sunray on 30 September 2020, 01:42:32 PM
I would have stuck with a core range of UK, US, Soviet and West German.  Just saying. :)

And Swedish . . .

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

There or were quite a few French armies in Comps. cause the AMX-30 is a baked bean tin you could get lots of them. There are also quite a few export ones as well, Venezula have a fair few. The VTT is also relativly heavily exported - the Dutch for one, so dont discount French stuff. The French would need another infantry figure though, still in M1 helmet but with bullpup weapons.

Vehicles - I suspect we would need (some we have) :-

USSR - T54/5 and upgrades, BTR50/60/7080, T62, T64A, T72 and possibly a T80, SAU122. Tanks should have upgrades. For Czechs and Poles the various Skots an the Hungarian FuG.

NATO - Leo 1, with 3turrets, 1, 1A3 and 1A1, M60A1 and A3, m48A3, M48A5, M47 (Italy. Portugal and Spain) AIFV(the Dutch/Belguim uprgaed M113) M113 and the varients, Chefitain, Chefitain Stillbrew*, Chally 1, FV432 and varients (NOT FORGETTING Peak turret), Ferret, Scimitar, Scorpion, Striker, Sultan, Spartan.

There are more - the Huskey/Cougar would be nice as well, and an open BTR60 would be welcomed.

* the Stillbrew upgrade has different hull and turret, although the hull approximates to a Chally 1

Cheers IanS  :-bd
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021