Top 3: Rants!

Started by Leon, 13 January 2011, 04:27:14 AM

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can I add in  :

1.  Pendraken for having no Tarletons :)

Dazza's 10mm Miniature Armies :
" AWI, Colonial, WW2 & Vietnam"

AWI Photos :,560.0.html

Never argue with an idiot; He'll drag you down to his level and beat you by experience.


in no order ..

Politicians who never answer the damn question, even when its a closed question with a yes or no answer....

Drivers who insist that a que is for someone else and they can drive down the hashed lines and cut in because they indicated and therefore its ok...

any " reality" show whatsoever ...

2011 Painting Competition - Winner!


Just thought of another one

Drivers who think it's ok to park illegally as long as they put their hazard lights on (then get narky when a traffic warden gives them a ticket)

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

is Dazza taking treatment for his odd obsession ?
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021

goat major

Quote from: ianrs54 on 14 January 2011, 09:40:34 AM
is Dazza taking treatment for his odd obsession ?

There is only one cure...... Clib and Leon need to deliver !!
My blog:
My twitting:

2014 Painting Competition - Winner!

Last Hussar

Posters on that 'Other' wargames forum.

Rupert Murdoch and his evil empire.

Everything that ties these two together, and non wargamers who act like that.
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


1.  Shop assisstants and checkout assisstants that LICK THEIR FINGERS to get purchase on the plastic bag they're handing to you.
They might as well spit on your food. 
Not only is it inherently disgusting, its also an unsanitary breach basic health and safety, and in these flu-riddled times, a major source of avoidable infection.

2.  Nepotism.  It's destroyed the world.  I'm a principled sort of chap (often accused at work on 'seeing unicorns on the lawn' - a patronising acceptance of failure by my colleagues in my opinion) and i believe the world would be 1,000,000% better than it is not if meritocracy was the order of the day. 
Instead, the numpties and their friends and family promote each other up the food chain and we all end up wallowing in the skite...
I've never worked in a work place that promoted according to ability, over availability - to the absolute detriment of that company.
You only have to look at the way our politics works to see how much of an utter failure nepotism is.

3.  TV Adverts.  Whay are they SO F***ING LOUD!!!!  Why do they lie? (This gunk is full of flashius madeupicites that will definately make you life to 250 years never looking older than 20).  Of the real rage-button; 87% of 45 women agree that this pointless product will definately make you 50 years younger, 100lbs thinnner and will generally make you happy...only £39.99. 

I'll dip into 1 more too...

4.  Packaging.  Too much unneccessary packaging.  Stop selling me this utter waste.  This ties into my rage-hate against the 'recycling gurus'.  We have them at work moaning about recycling our plastic cups.  Recycling is the WORST green option - worse than landfill.  You really want to make a difference hippy?  REDUCE - don't make the crap in the forst place.  If it has to be made, REUSE wherever possible.  RECYCLE expends resources to produce and distribute for its first use, then extra resources to transport to recycling, extra resources to recycle, then it all starts again.  Just don't make it in the forst place - simple.  We used to do it up until about 1977...

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


Quote from: Luddite on 17 January 2011, 01:36:51 AM
3.  TV Adverts.  Whay are they SO F***ING LOUD!!!!  Why do they lie? (This gunk is full of flashius madeupicites that will definately make you life to 250 years never looking older than 20).  Of the real rage-button; 87% of 45 women agree that this pointless product will definately make you 50 years younger, 100lbs thinnner and will generally make you happy...only £39.99. 

Yes!  I don't get it, do they actually transmit the adverts at a higher volume? - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Quote from: Luddite on 17 January 2011, 01:36:51 AM
1.  Shop assisstants and checkout assisstants that LICK THEIR FINGERS to get purchase on the plastic bag they're handing to you.

And those shop assistants who ask you do you want help with your packing when you're only buying one or two items.
And those shop assistants who try to sell you the special offer which has absolutely no link with what you are buying.

And people regularly ringing me from other parts of the world trying to get me to pay £300 because my PC is apparently going to die unless I get them to sort it out. I'm on the TPS - GO AWAY!

Life is too important to be taken seriously.


Quote from: Leon on 17 January 2011, 01:43:03 AM
Yes!  I don't get it, do they actually transmit the adverts at a higher volume?

Yes they do, a number of channels were criticised for this a while back, Channel 5 is one of the worst offenders IMHO.


I'm adding:

Text Speak - "Hi M8, u gna b @ wrk 2mrw?  C u l8r."  Hmm.....  "Fk Off & Spk Prprly."   :D

Petrol Stations - When I pick up the nozzle and fine it's covered in diesel, and then I can smell it on my hands all the way home. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Most of my rants involve the use, misuse, and absence of disabled parking spots; and of spots intended for people with children with them that end up used by adult children with car seats.


Quote from: lentulus on 17 January 2011, 07:38:04 PM
Most of my rants involve the use, misuse, and absence of disabled parking spots; and of spots intended for people with children with them that end up used by adult children with car seats.

That gets on my nerves as well.  We've got a 7 year old and 4 month old and I get sick of seeing people without kids jumping into these spaces cos they can't be bothered walking an extra 20 yards. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Quote from: Megamatman on 17 January 2011, 05:55:37 PM
You can buy devices to prevent it:

Think I'll stick to using the remote to turn down volume or switch channel instead, it does not bother me to the tune of $100