Attending shows Post Covid 19

Started by Orcs, 11 August 2020, 05:58:23 AM

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Under what Circumstances arre you likely to attend your next show

I am happy to attend a show as long as their is social distancing
3 (7.7%)
I am happy to attend a show as long as a face masks are compulsory
2 (5.1%)
I am happy to attend a show as long as Face masks compusory and social distancing is observed
9 (23.1%)
I wopuld not attend a show if I had to wear a face mask all the time I was there
3 (7.7%)
I am happy to attend a show without Social Distancing or Face masks
8 (20.5%)
I am unlikely to attend in 2020
18 (46.2%)
I am unlikely to attend in 2020 or  2021
13 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 39


Hi All,

Just trying to get a straw pole on who would attend shows. It might be useful to organisers/ traders. I have given you 2 votes.
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

I keep thinking that the therat is a little overstated, compared to say Spanish Flu. Yes it is dangerous, but 2-3 times more people died of the flu.
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021

Steve J

Given my experience of shows, I can't see how they could work in their current format, as everything is jam packed together. So social distancing would be nigh on impossible, even with say a one way system, as the whole browsing and chatting experience as you walked round would cause huge traffic jams. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic but that's my take on things.

Also with a son on the extremely clinically vulnerable list and an African wife (so BAME children) there is added risk for us on two levels. Currently we are still pretty much isolating too keep everyone in our household as safe as possible.

I would love to attend a show next year, but until a vaccine is developed, I can't see it happening :(.


I'm very much in the same mind as Steve ! :(

Though, as Ian says, this sod doesn't seem to be 'as dangerous' as Spanish flu.....I'm still VERY wary about social distancing and I'd VERY much prefer to avoid it !

The social distancing in Tesco's is still (for the most part) being observed, but I still get a bit 'twitchy' even there...and that's one of the very few places I visit.
My haircut can stay on hold for the time being. I may try a ponytail style soon ! ;D ;D ;D

Cheers - Phil.


Quote from: ianrs54 on 11 August 2020, 06:19:25 AM
I keep thinking that the therat is a little overstated, compared to say Spanish Flu. Yes it is dangerous, but 2-3 times more people died of the flu.

It's still pretty horrific with long lingering after affects in many people we don't yet fully understand. It seems to cause a weird array of ongoing issues in the lungs, heart, brain and possibly other organs long after the flu stage has passed. Not to mention the death rate of those who end up hospitalised is still high. Spanish flu hit a world ravaged by war, with poor levels of nutrition and healthcare. Had this virus hit back then it may have been just as bad.

Definitely worth remaining cautious...


I generally only go to one - held at a race course (Newbury?).

No way I'd go at the moment.

pierre the shy

Well I count myself as VERY lucky to be able to say that last weekend I went to Call to Arms 2020, the local club's convention here in Wellington. No masks or much social distancing, but the COVID-19 situation here in NZ is curently much different to much of the world (long may that continue!!....)

Apart from me keeping well away from the TY competition tables (as a 6mm modern player the sight of all those expensive (and usually very nicely painted) 15mm models crammed hull to hull in "tank parks" or "hind parks" on or in terrain features makes me want to ask the players if they really know what tactics are  >:( ;) ) I had 2 really good days of gaming. Didn't see anything interesting in the bring and buy (95% was GW related stuff) and I will be supporting the only trader who was in attendence next time I am passing his shop on the Kapiti Coast. 

I would however join the general chorus of conservative attendance if I was living in most other parts of the world....stay safe and look forward to the 2021 show circuit, if the situation permits. 

"Bomps a's enough to make you weep!"


There would need to be a vaccine available before I would be allowed to mix with the general population.

I am a cancer survivor as well as nursing a coronary problem.
My Ego forbids a signature.


Quote from: Techno on 11 August 2020, 06:47:09 AM
My haircut can stay on hold for the time being.

Mine too. The thought of someone being that close face-to-face, even if we're both masked & shielded, gives me the willies. Strange how "normal" everyday actions have suddenly become so very, very un-important.

Quote from: Techno on 11 August 2020, 06:47:09 AM
I may try a ponytail style soon !

Hah! Not quite there yet, but if I still haven't had it cut by xmas . . .


It amazes me how some of you guys are still comparing Covid to flu yet none of you are scientists or doctors. They are two different things. There is a vaccine for flu. Until today (see news today about an alleged Russian  vaccine), there has been no vaccine for Covid.   How many times has the country and the whole world been shut down for flu?  What would the death rate be if we simply treated this as flu and didn't take these extraordinary measures? I guarantee it would have spread like wild fire and the death toll would be significantly higher.

I seriously doubt that some wargamers are capable of social distancing so I've only cast one of my votes.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


Having ventured out for the first time since February this past weekend, I was shocked by how few people were wearing masks in shops - and the strange looks I got for being properly masked up (FFP3 Mask and "Snood scarf" to "seal" around beard).

I don't think I would attend anything where masks weren't mandatory. I am definitely NOT in the "it's just flu" camp, this SARS Coronavirus is not fully understood and IS deadly! I would rather protect my health AND MORE IMPORTANTLY that of those I am close to.
"Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake - we must not interrupt him too soon."
Horatio Nelson.


as I live in Germany I was thinking of going to the Antwerp show in November,
but really cant see the situation being cleared up by then.
also im not really sure a vaccine will really do a lot of good there is too much we don't understand about this COVID.


Interesting question and some interesting results so far, well over half of the responses are to not attend shows this year or next. 

From an organiser perspective the extra requirements/precautions that need to be implemented are a logistical nightmare and I think this will be the main issue for any wargames events.  We've been putting together a bit of a risk assessment for Battleground in November and so far we've got:

- Face masks must be compulsory and we'd have to refuse entry to anyone that didn't come with one.

- We'd need a one-way system through the hall which would need to be policed by our staff.

- We'd have to stagger the entry with some kind of ticketing system to keep the numbers in the hall to around 100-150 maximum.  The ticketing itself is a bit tricky but we'd also have people complaining when they have to queue outside until the hall empties out.

- We'd need PPE and sanitation stations all over the hall, which is an added cost to deal with.

- We'd need to hire the hall for an extra half-day to allow the traders a bigger window for unloading and packing away. More costs to deal with.

- The venue would have to perform a deep-clean before and after the event to make sure that they've covered their side.

That's a lot of added hassle and the extra costs would mean that we'd be losing money on the event as well.  The traders wouldn't want to stump up any extra cash for what is potentially a large gamble in terms of sales.

With all of that, I can't see shows being able to run until we've got an effective vaccine in place and people feel more secure and comfortable in public spaces again. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


I think the only way that shows can go on for the short term is virtual shows rather than physical shows. They won't be economically viable if they have proper safety measures in place and there is a lot of the wargaming public that counts as high risk for serious effects of Covid-19.

Personally when I need to shop or travel on public transport I have been masked since before it was compulsory and I worry about people's complacency about the risk.

Steve J

Quote- Face masks must be compulsory and we'd have to refuse entry to anyone that didn't come with one.

A tricky one this as the government advice is that people with certain conditions, such as respiratory ones, and young children, don't need to wear them. However they don't define which conditions these are. So as an asthmatic, I could theoretically not wear one and should be allowed entry as I can do in shops (however I do wear one even though it causes me some discomfort). I think until there is a vaccine, sadly the show circuit will be on hold for quite some time.