The Great 10mm Rules Directory

Started by Leon, 02 March 2020, 09:58:57 PM

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Name of rules:  A Fistful of TOWs 3
Available from/Published by:  A Fistful of Games
Period:  The era of tank combat, contains unit data for 1939 through 2015 and associated army lists for many historical and hypothetical conflicts in the period.
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?  3mm, 6mm, 10mm, 15mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)?  Battalion/brigade/regiment level, one stand equals an infantry platoon or 4-6 vehicles (occasionally 3 vehicles).
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?  No modifications needed at all. One of the authors plays with 10mm.


07 March 2020, 07:15:44 AM #31 Last Edit: 07 March 2020, 07:17:47 AM by industrialtrousers
Name: Warmaster Revolution
Available from: The Revolution ruleset is only available as a pdf to my knowledge.
Period: Fantasy, more specifically the Warhammer Old world.
Scale rules designed for: 10mm
Tactical level: 3 stands make a regiment but generally focus is on brigade of up to 4 regiments.

This is the original Warmaster rules with additions/alterations made by the French and Czech Warmaster communities to incorporate elements from Warmaster Ancients rules as well as a few other changes to aid game balancing.


Steve Holmes beat me before I could beat my own drum, but yes, Irregular Wars: Conflict at the World's End would work easily. However, there are so many good sets of rule out there that can be used without modification. Here are a couple:

Name of rules: Dux Bellorum
Available from/Published by: Osprey
Period: Late Roman-Early Medieval (AKA Arthurian or Dark Ages)
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Small armies of 5-12 bases where each base = 1 warband.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None. Basing is flexible already, so the rule of cool applies - do whatever looks good!
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Name of rules: l'Art de la Guerre
Available from/Published by: Northstar
Period: Ancient-Late Medieval
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Armies of 16-28 bases.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None. Basing is flexible already, so the rule of cool applies - do whatever looks good!
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Name of rules: FAVSTVS FVRIVS (one of mine!  :D)
Available from/Published by: Ganesha Games
Period: Chariot Racing
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? scale agnostic
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? one chariot (or other vehicle), per base, 3-8 chariots per race
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None!
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Name of rules: Hail Caesar
Available from/Published by: Warlord
Period: Ancient - Medieval
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Variable sizes armies of c.12+ units where each unit can be one or more bases of figures.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? Convert inches to cm for all game measurements. Basing is flexible already, so the rule of cool applies - do whatever looks good! 2x40mm wide bases per regular sized unit works perfectly...
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


ame of rules: Hail Caesar
Available from/Published by: Warlord Games
Period: Ancient & Medieval
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Varies, I usually play 16 or more units per side.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? I make no changes, use 120mm frontage for standard units, just putting more figures on the bases



Name of rules:                         Tilly's Very Bad Day
Available from/Published by:     Steven Thomas, Free download from
Period: Ancient -                      Thirty Year's War, (no reason they wouldn't work for the English Civil War).
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?                                                   The rules are scale and base size agnostic with measurements keyed to base size.
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)?     Units (one base each) represent brigades of 1-2000 pike+shot or about half the number of mounted. Battles accommodate up to 24 brigades comfortably
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?        None, simply standardize your basing scheme with your opponent.


08 March 2020, 08:59:07 PM #38 Last Edit: 08 March 2020, 09:01:13 PM by Noktu
Name of rules:

I Ain't Been Shot Mum!

Available from/Published by:

Too Fat Lardies



What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?


What tactical level is the game aimed at?

The system does not use a point-based method for constructing opposing forces, so most games are designed to be scenario driven.

What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?



Name of rules:

Flames of War

Available from/Published by:

Battlefront  Miniatures Ltd.



What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?


What tactical level is the game aimed at?

Company level

What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?



Name of rules:

Bolt Action

Available from/Published by:

Warlord Games



What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?


What tactical level is the game aimed at?


What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?

Using centimeters instead of inches

A Lot of Gaul

Name of rules: Age of Hannibal
Available from/Published by: Little Wars TV
Period: Classical Ancients, from the Peloponnesian War to the Fall of Rome.
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-15mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? Army level, one heavy infantry base = 750-1000 men.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?  None. Recommended basing is on 40mm squares.

A Lot of Gaul

10 March 2020, 06:26:25 PM #42 Last Edit: 10 March 2020, 06:29:30 PM by A Lot of Gaul
Name of rules: Altar of Freedom
Available from/Published by: Greg Wagman
Period: American Civil War
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-10mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? Grand tactical, one base = one brigade.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?  None. Recommended basing is 60mm x 30mm.


Very useful topic, Leon, but just thinking, "Should this not be in the Rules section?"

Thinking if someone is new to 10mm (or even veterans like a good many of us) and wondering what wargame rules would be good for this scale, when they access this forum, wouldn't they logically search the Rules section first and not the General Discussion section?  :-\
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


Quote from: Westmarcher on 13 March 2020, 08:39:27 PM
Very useful topic, Leon, but just thinking, "Should this not be in the Rules section?"

Thinking if someone is new to 10mm (or even veterans like a good many of us) and wondering what wargame rules would be good for this scale, when they access this forum, wouldn't they logically search the Rules section first and not the General Discussion section?  :-

It probably should but I wasn't sure if it would get as much traffic as it has here in General Discussion.  The resulting pdf will be in the Rules section and I can move this thread over there as well once we've released the first edition. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!