Q of the Week: 2010?

Started by Leon, 15 December 2010, 01:53:06 AM

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15 December 2010, 01:53:06 AM Last Edit: 15 December 2010, 01:55:34 AM by Leon
It's only a couple of weeks til the end of the year, so what's everyone acheived in 2010, wargaming or otherwise?

For Pendraken:

- We redesigned our trade stand, which is now one of the best at any show (in my humble opinion!)

- We launched our new-look website, complete with fancy shopping baskets and such!  (Thanks to Megamatman for that!)

- We started the Pendraken Forum!

- We delved into quite a few new areas, including the SCW and WW2 Pacific, with a great response.

- We released the 3000th product in our catalogue!

And for me:

- I became the proud father of my second son, who will one day join me in some Dungeon crawling!

- I met loads of cool people, both on this Forum, and at all the shows we go to.

- I started Minibits, my little business selling all those odds and ends you need to get your little men onto the table!

www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


15 December 2010, 02:01:49 AM #1 Last Edit: 15 December 2010, 02:34:31 AM by Shecky
Let see...

Wargaming-wise I completed:
10mm WWII, Germans and Canadians for IABSM - completed but could still add more
10mm Vietnam, US and Communits forces for CDS - completed but could still add more

I started
10mm AWI,  Continental, Brits and Hessians - no where near completed because I'm still adding more!
1/300 WWII Air - most likely for Bag the Hun. I started 1/600 WWII air a few years ago but only painted 2 Spitfires. Now that I've found prepainted 1/600 aircraft maybe I'll see this project to completion.
10mm ACW - actually started this project in 2009 but I only painted a few units this year as I've sort of lost interest in that project for now.
10mm TYW - bought the figures a few years ago; painted a couple of hundred figures but the project died as I couldn't find a set of rules that I liked. Started back up this year since FOG-R came out. Put the project on hold while I complete the AWI.

Attended 2 conventions where I sold books.
Hosted 1 game of IABSM and 3 games of CDS. Did no other gaming this year either as a GM or a participant.

Began writing my own rules for a Horse & Musket game that can be played on a 3 x 4 table.



2010 achievements:
Both sides for ACW in 6mm, started this project in mid 2009 - miserable progress eighteen months on, but I did purchase Peter Pigs Civil War Battles in the hope it would motivate me to complete the project......

French and Prussian Armies in 6mm for FPW - completed! I say completed I did buy some reinforcements for these which have been undercoated and based but not yet painted. Baccus then go an release the 1866 range which is making the bank card get nervous!

Zulus and British in 6mm - still cant face all those Zulus! Any body interested in these? I might look to offload them?

Medium Sized NOT SPACE MARINE army for CWC - finished!

Largish NOT SQUATs army for CWC - started, but struggling for inspiration... and still struggling 12 months on!

Andrayan FWC force - based and undercoated. Not much progress from this time last year when they arrived in Santas sack. :(

Space Hulk - painted half of the minis now in the attic with no further progress made this year. Still gets dragged out every now and again along with bloodbowl for the occasional game.

Things I didn't plan to do in 2010 (but have completed):

1) shed loads of sci-fi terrain and buildings

2) a British BKC Army covering early and late war

3) Incursion/SOTR German and US Armies in 28mm

4) 6mm ECW Armies for PoW

5) 100YW English and French Warmaster Medieval/FoG - now started adding to these to make two WoR armies

Things I didn't plan to do in 2010 but have started:

1) 15 H&R WW2 Landing Craft, undercoated will take about two hours max to paint but I keep forgetting them

2) ECW Royalist and Parliamentarian armies in 10mm for FoG Ren (still in bags as they arrived this weekend)

3) TYW Swedes and Catholic Germans in 10mm for Fog Ren (still in bags as they arrived this weekend)

4) 10mm Samurai for WMA - still in bags with 200+ sashimonos to attach

5) 10mm Saxons, Vikings, Normans, Scots, Welsh, WoR, Arabs and Crusaders and reinforcements for 100YW for FoG and WMA - based and undercoated and Saxon Army started...  Only about 10 more kilos of lead left to paint :D

6) Rus, Carolingian Franks and Thematic Byzantine for FoG/WMA - cleaned up ready for basing and undercoating

7) 10mm medieval buildings including a Kallistra Castle - undercoated although Imay be a complete lazy sh*t and not bother with the castle as its grey anyway

8) Siege Towers, mantlets and battering rams, ladders and siege guns - undercoated and based

9) Bought DRM Kraytonian Rakkat Riders and Torak Riders and have made a start on these for FWC.

I have gone a bit crazy this year in terms of expenditure but I figure that with me staring down the proverbial barrel of a gun jobs wise, I could well have a lot of time on my hands come March so will need something to do in between trying to secure another job. I'have also had a lot of time on my hands having been off work with a back injury and surgery which has meant I have had a lot of spare time on my hands which has helped tackle the mountain!

IBet you wish you hadnt asked!

I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


15 December 2010, 09:33:37 AM #3 Last Edit: 15 December 2010, 10:49:31 AM by nikharwood
So far [there's still a fortnight to go  ;)]

Early War Germans / French / Polish / Russians: Germans & Russians finished; French & Polish are based & undercoated - all of this I then sold  :)
Winter War?: no progress...
Italian battlegroup: all painted: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=1240.0 & http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=1277.0
SCW: load of stuff for Pendraken displays at shows: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=321.0

2mm: Arab - Israeli: finished
French Army c87: finished
Indo-China: assembled
Vietnam: dioramas painted for Pendraken displays
Modern British - a few tanks: Chieftains for the Berlin Brigade: http://nikharwood.pbworks.com/w/page/27377256/CWC-British-Civil-War

Seven Years War: Austrian & Prussian armies: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=709.0 & http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=1488.0 & http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=1489.0
Colonial: Sudan: figures bought
Colonial: Boer: possible
Colonial: Zulu: planned
Jacobite Rebellion: figures based
Resin scenery: load painted for Pendraken
Dungeon - painted; with fantasy & pulp figures: http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=957.60 & http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=1377.0

Space Hulk - undercoated: some painting done
Chechnyans: no progress
FWC Skirmish: Aliens & Colonial Marines - purchased: no progress
Napoleonic skirmish: Peninsular French & British & Spanish guerillas: assembled, undercoated, painting started
28mm: ultra-modern French for Afghanistan: finished: http://nikharwood28mm.pbworks.com/French-Foreign-Legion
28mm: ultra-modern SAS for Afghanistan: finished: http://nikharwood28mm.pbworks.com/SAS-or-SBS & http://nikharwood28mm.pbworks.com/SAS-Afghanistan
28mm: load of terrain painting done for S&S Models
28mm: load of fantasy [about 50, not GW] painting finished: http://nikharwood28mm.pbworks.com/Various-fantasy-figures
25mm: Lord of the Rings: finally painted my hobbits; repainted & rebased my Moria Goblins & Fellowship figures for fighting in Balin's Tomb

Organised Nikfest 2010  :)

Working on:
Secret project for Leon in 10mm

There might be more...



Finished Seleucid Warmaster Ancients Army at last.

Finished Divisional level British and German WW1 armies and beat my rules into something I'm almost happy with.

Wrote up a couple of articles and got one published in Battlegames.

Ongoing French WW1 and French 7YW armies both to be completed in 2011 ;D


Finished selling all my Biblical armies - the way is now clear to buy 10mm ones !


Finished enought French, German and British WW1 figures to play section level skirmish games at 1:1 and wrote a nice simple set of rules (4 pages).

Rebased my British/Portugese Napoleonics to BP ready to sell in the Spring.  Profits to be invested in 10mm 7YW.


6mm:- English wars of the roses army finished
Italian wars project still growing
Parthians based and undercoated

10mm:- Large BEF for BKC finished, apart from the bits in the post that I just needed to add :D
VBCW project started, games played but my BUF get smashed each game so far  :o
Renaissance Middle East project expanding, some units are even finished!!

15mm:- Late medieval English, French and Scots almost complete from starting in February
Huns still almost finished - no progress this year  :(

20mm:- Mid war Russians complete, Germans have undercoated infantry and painted tanks

28mm:- ECW Yorkshire skirmish project started have both forces but on back shelf at moment


Quote from: Shecky on 15 December 2010, 02:01:49 AM

10mm AWI,  Continental, Brits and Hessians - no where near completed because I'm still adding more!

I pretty much had the exact same year!

Steve J

- Finished off  British CWC battlegroup.

In 10mm:
- Completed Italian Battlegroup for Colours.
- Completed WWI Germans for use in SCW and AVBCW. Debuted at Colours.
- Completed WWI Brits for use in SCW and AVBCW. Debuted at Nikfest as Greeks.
- Purchased a load of ACW Union and Confederate.
- Sculpted up two buildings for Pendraken; more in the pipeline.

In 15mm:
- A little progress on my WWII Russians.
- Bought some stuff for my WWII Desert Brits and sold some stuff as well.

In 28mm:
- Almost finished my WWII Paras for RoE.
- Based and undercoated WWII British.

For me this has been a very productive year :).

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

6mm and smaller
For Customers -
No 1) An almost complete inventroy of Soviet Assault Heli's
More Jets than Most African states in 1/300th + 8 Isralie Phantoms & 8 Mirages, 8 MiG 21, 6 mig 19 and 18 Mig 17 in 1/600th
4 full infantry Btn, 1 Ranger Coy, 1 Argentine company. - he's still paying, it needed a DVD Recorder box to move it.
No 2) A selection of British tanks and Inf - to the states.
No 3) Baccus Hunic starter pack, + 96 Indian Swordsmen, 45 Cav, and 4 Smellyphants.

For self - re-did my 70's British Inf, and added 14 Bedfords, 14 GMC for a modern Indian army, 2 UH-60, 2 CH47, 45 H39, 1/600th - B47, B52, Vulcan, valient, stack of prop driven naval things. Refurbed the Char B and S35, 1940 Germans. Load of Irregular 6mm fantasy stuff all persuations. Yet more home built buildings.

10mm  large Arab (no I have no idea why), inculding two Vultures and a flying carpet. Sassinid, Turkish and Polish rennassaince, with it's famous Rhino Herd/Flock, scratch a Castle, build a card fort, scratch siege kit. Finish off some Brit Colonials of dubious provenance, oposition would be 1 Boer or 3 Zulu Riflemen.

15 - small force of Greeks.

Nothing larger and \iIe run out......

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Decided to convert completely to 10mm scale (and stick to it!)
Painted my Dungeon after well over 5 years of ownership
Managed to earn more money from selling wargame stuff than I spent.
Found this forum

However, I had intended not to buy anything until I had painted my entire Lead Mountain - managed to still to that until about March!

Today I have watched my 6 year old son who has autism properly take part for the first time in his school nativity play - usually he doesn't cope with the crowds of parents, additional noise, etc.
Seen a number of people around me grow and develop.
Have felt a greater sense of settling into my work.
Seen lots of other little improvements in people's lives and situations.

Can't wait to see what 2011 brings.
Life is too important to be taken seriously.


15 December 2010, 09:38:51 PM #10 Last Edit: 15 December 2010, 09:40:26 PM by Pruneau
Played Antietam (MMP) and now playing Chickamauga (MMP) which has been going on for 8 weeks now
Played ASL whenever not doing these campaigns

6 mm
Still not painted my two ACW starter armies, and it looks like it's not gonna happen soon, given the fact that we are now used to the MMP board game system.

10 mm
Started working on my Tarsh Army for my HOTT Dragon Pass campaign, then put that on hold until I can see more pictures to help me choose all these weird races and magical populations.
Purchased a bunch of Germans and US troops for the Normandy theatre.  Still have to purchase my British, Canadian and other nationalities
Started working on my tactical WW2 rules http://secondsquadonme.blogspot/
Started working on 10 mm terrain, then kinda deviated into making a series of Normandy 10 mm houses, still working on that

28 mm
Finished a variety of fantasy creatures for Runequest
Finished skirmish armies for Sartar and Lunar, cleaned and prepped all personalities for Heroquest, than put it all in a box.
Finished a Tribe Stead in 28 mm with hirst blocks and balsa wood, including two longhouses and a temple
Finished a box of warlord celts, adapted to be sartar tribesmen.  Need to build and finish the cavalry and slingers
Finished a group of celtic female warriors, painted up like vinga initiates, and a bunch of kids
Sculpted 3 dragonsnails (one went in the bin) and a model of Cragspider the troll mother for Runequest
Introduced our youngest girl to RPG, so now we have three kid players, aged 7, 10 and 14.
Made Sci Fi terrain, a group of greatcoat warriors and a group of spriggan spugs for the Flying Lead rules

Attended Crisis and Nikfest, no salute for me this year :(
Boardgames: MMP ACW, ASL ᴥ BKC & SSOM - WW2 (In development) ᴥ Flying Lead - Sci-Fi: Shocktroops, Pulp, Spugs ᴥ WH - Greenskins, Dwarfs

http://hiording.blogspot.com - http://runequestfun.blogspot.com - http://secondsquadonme.blogspot.com

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I've had a year of what you might call *consolidation*. Sold some stuff I'll never use and made a conscious decision to limit myself to particular miniature scales for particular wargaming periods.

I've also had some good luck with prices achieved on eBay for my painted stuff - several DBA and Warmaster armies and a couple of Bloodbowl teams.

For 2011 I have plenty of unpainted stuff waiting for attention, including the lovely 10mm Dungeon of course!

All the best,


SYW army from "That looks like fun" to operating.  Fastest time to deploy so far, at least since I got back in the hobby.

Closed out a lot of projects that were DIW.

Took *lots* of vacation  8)