Fantasy armies for a custom RISK board game

Started by Noktu, 18 August 2018, 10:52:58 AM

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"My heart has joined the thousand for a friend stopped running today." Mr. Richard Adams


05 January 2019, 11:55:22 PM #77 Last Edit: 06 January 2019, 12:46:46 AM by Noktu
Cheers everyone!

Here I've got some TB line Eastern European Infantry. I've already got Blue/white, Red/white schemed armies. And decided to try out if Green and Black would work for the green player pieces. But I'm really conflicted, and feel like without a second opinion I might be in the wrong.

So the question is, do you guys think the green and black combination might work for the whole army? I just feel like the miniatures are quite dark.

1 by Atte Von Kraut, on Flickr

2 by Atte Von Kraut, on Flickr


For what it's worth I've always quite liked the black and green combination as a colour scheme. If you're concerned about it being too dark you could try going a shade or two lighter on the green to really make it stand out?

I remember you had a picture of a black and yellow scheme which was quite stand out. It would balance quite nicely having the blue/white, red/white, green/black, yellow/black.


I tend to use a dark grey rather than black with mid grey highlights... that might help lighten the figures as well
Lord Lensman of Wellington
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I really like the black and green combination as well.  I know it doesn't jump out as much as yellow/purple or blue/white does but they still look really nice.  As the others have said, maybe a slightly lighter green highlight or a grey over the black might lift them slightly but I like them as they are. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


I agree with mmcv, lighting the green shade might help.   Green clothing against green basing doesn't give enough contrast imho. Your painting on figures is so good it is a shame to bury it in the background.
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


14 January 2019, 05:04:49 PM #85 Last Edit: 14 January 2019, 05:09:12 PM by Noktu

Here's a few close-ups from the Crowmoor troops, I went through the black with a really dark grey like you guys suggested. The original photos might've been slightly dark to begin with. What do you think?

6 by Atte, on Flickr

5 by Atte, on Flickr

4 by Atte, on Flickr

3 by Atte, on Flickr

Also, I started to experiment with the flesh tone. Earlier I had basecoated the skin areas with a dark skin tone, but felt it came out pretty flat even with a wash and a highlight. So now I've started to basecoat the skin in brown like many others, and feel like this is the best way to go with these.

1 by Atte, on Flickr

2 by Atte, on Flickr

Duke Speedy of Leighton

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Lord Lensman of Wellington
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