My 10mm Kings of War project

Started by lowlylowlycook, 15 November 2016, 02:35:53 PM

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First off, any and all advice, opinions or feedback is welcome and encouraged. 

I'm attempting to make a portable set for Kings of War.  The basic idea is to use 10mm figures and convert all measurements from inches to centimeters. 

For armies I've decided to do Lord of the Rings inspired orcs vs dwarves using the nice Copplestone line and whatever else I think fits in. 

First to arrive were some Eureka dwarves and this being my first go at painting non 28mm figures, I started some experiments.  In general I use Reaper's paints so that's what the color names mostly refer to.

Primed (which will be washed after basecoating), Pure Black drybrushed with Misty Grey,  Russet Brown drybrushed with Chestnut Gold and Yellowed Bone, Pure Black, Primed (will be brushed with "dipp" after basecoating)

Added base coats.   

Washed beards and the one face in Agrax Earthshade.  The leftmost dwarf got a Nuln Oil wash, the rightmost was brushed with Tudor Polyshade.  Anvils were painted with Vallejo Air Metallic black metal.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Very nice indeed, keep up the top work!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner

Steve J

Great start and look forward to seeing more stuff.



 :-bd =D> :-bd

Interesting to see the different looks you have got
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
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A question that is dogging me is how to base these little guys.   I don't want to have to push filler and paint in between them after they are glued down and I certainly can't paint them after they are based.

I noticed that lehcyfer was doing a similar project and used GW's textured paint.   A little searching around and I found a youtube video where someone used textured gel or medium and some paint to get a similar effect.  Hobby Lobby had some Liquitex coarse gel so I decided to give that a try.

I mixed the gel and some brown pain then spread that over a magnetic base of the type I'm planing to use (it's not the right size and I'm not 100% sure on what sized bases to use) then I pushed some dwarves down into the gel.   Next to it is a round base for a 28mm WW2 weapon team made with sanded grout.

Next I experimented with both my very strong homemade wash and some GW Agrax.

I think the Agrax side looks pretty good.  I'll give it another day or so before I test the bond.


I've found the following two methods effective for basing close order 10mm figures (i.e. ones where you can't really get in between the figures)

1) Brown wood filler - spread a decent layer on the base, then work the figure bases into it. Push a little filler over the cast base if you can, a cocktail stick helps here. (This is very similar to the technique you are using)

2) PVA then sand - coat the base in PVA, position the figures, then cover in sand. The why to get a darker base is to mix dark brown paint with the PVA, this colours the sand a medium to dark brown. A brown wash or a quick touch up with brown evens out the colour of the base

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My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at


I use a similar approach Fred's option 1 but use a mix of filler (Spackle for those in the US), paint and PVA.

I also spread PVA onto the figure bases before pressing into the mixture.

The whole base is then covered with flock and left to try. I usually need to touch up some small areas with flock and PVA.
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
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Those dwarfs were pretty well stuck on.  I don't think they'd come off without using a knife. 

Now it's down to waiting for stuff to come from the UK.   In the mean time I'll do other projects or maybe experiment with using some cork sheets to make stony bases. 


Looking good, all the methods!

Have fun with the basing - the advantage of "unit bases" is that you can really make them look like a coherent group in "sort of real looking" terrain :)
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Quote from: lowlylowlycook on 15 November 2016, 02:35:53 PM
First off, any and all advice, opinions or feedback is welcome and encouraged. 

I'm attempting to make a portable set for Kings of War.  The basic idea is to use 10mm figures and convert all measurements from inches to centimeters. 

For armies I've decided to do Lord of the Rings inspired orcs vs dwarves using the nice Copplestone line and whatever else I think fits in. 

First to arrive were some Eureka dwarves and this being my first go at painting non 28mm figures, I started some experiments.  In general I use Reaper's paints so that's what the color names mostly refer to.

Primed (which will be washed after basecoating), Pure Black drybrushed with Misty Grey,  Russet Brown drybrushed with Chestnut Gold and Yellowed Bone, Pure Black, Primed (will be brushed with "dipp" after basecoating)

Added base coats.   

Washed beards and the one face in Agrax Earthshade.  The leftmost dwarf got a Nuln Oil wash, the rightmost was brushed with Tudor Polyshade.  Anvils were painted with Vallejo Air Metallic black metal.

A good start, looking forward to seeing the results.

If you fancy doing a Kingdom of Men army I have two lots of 10mm late medievals that I no longer require.  Just let me know and I can fish then out


I got a package in the mail that was from Copplestone so I have a lot of minis and it's time to get going and an email from Pendraken saying even more stuff is on the way and OH GOD I NEED TO START PAINTING.

Before really getting stuck in, I did a final experiment with what I think should be the fast way to do these dwarves.  Basically, paint them blackish drybrush them with metallics then go back and do any details then hit them with black "dip" then highlight weapons and armor again.

The left two were started with Midnight Blue which is a very dark blue.  The one on the right is with Blue Liner an even darker blue. 

After drybrushing

After painting and highlighting

(Don't mind the Italian that is clearly thinking about how much easier it would be to take on 10mm dwarves than it is to invade Ethiopia)

Seems like it works pretty well.

Here is a mix of dwarves that I'll try to make into a unit.  Probably needs a third strip with about 6 or so dwarves to make up a horde.


Coming along very nicely !

Cheers - Phil

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


 :-bd =D> :-bd =D>

I think I slightly prefer the extra contrast of the darker blue but using both will give interesting variety :-\

:-  ??? For some reason the Undecided button now seems to need an extra \
And I needed two \ to get one to show ???
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
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