Siege of Barcelona, 1713-1714

Started by Brotherdargon, 21 October 2016, 08:50:38 PM

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Anyone can suggest any resources? I will search in Barcelona's museums bookstores tomorrow.


Any academic is always flattered by an appeal to his or her expertise. Call up the university.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


I have some .pdf documents you might be interested in :

a.   Wargaming Guides series, no. 1 (CATALONIA STANDS ALONE 1713-1714: THE CATALANS' WAR)

b.   Flags of the Catalan Army (an attachment to the above)

c.   God Save Catalonia (English then British army involvement in the War of Spanish Succession)

I would also suggest Nick Dorrell's recent book "Marlborough's Other Army" but you would
obviously need to buy this !

Only (a) deals directly with the Siege of Barcelona but the others are good for background
detail.   Let me know if you want any of the above.


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