Battlefront German PzGren Platoon for the Med

Started by bigjackmac, 09 June 2016, 10:49:55 PM

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Having posted a US platoon for the Mediterranean, I figured I should go ahead and post their antagonists.  I'd picked these several years ago and painted them up, but hadn't really done much with them.  They were painted up for Northwest Europe, but now that I was planning on some action in the Med I needed Germans for this; rather than buy new figures, I just took about half of the platoon and re-purposed them.

These are Panzergrenadiers in 15mm from Battlefront, and I really like the poses and gear.  There are also some figures mixed in from some Battlefront miscellaneous infantry pack (I think it was called 'Infantry Aces,' or something like that) I picked up along the way, which add some cool poses as well.

Here's the whole force, 16 men in various poses, all based for North Africa.  As these were meant for NW Europe, you're going to see a few zeltbahns; sorry...  I'd painted camouflage smocks on all the guys originally, with gray trousers.  For the desert I simply re-did the trousers and headgear.

To see closeups, please check the blog at:

I've already played the first Sgt Rock game, but was out of town on business and haven't had much time to write up the report.  I'm about halfway done, still working on it, but I'm about to head out to baseball practice.  So stick with me; I've got two batreps and another five or so forces to get posted.


Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner




Thanks everyone, I appreciate it.

I'll post another force tonight, them I'm out of town all next week.  But I'm taking my laptop and should have plenty of time in the evenings to get the batreps written up.  And with any luck I can get a game or two in before I leave ;)
