Back at it again! BeardedHammer's new project log

Started by BeardedHammer, 23 May 2016, 07:01:50 AM

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Hello again!

After a long  break due to life events and producing a game I am back and ready to go in 10mm. I will be using this project log to keep track of my various projects in the world of tiny metal dudes. I am an avid terrain enthusiast, as some of you may remember from my first Plog (,11362.0.html ). I currently have two armies in 10mm: an American WW2 army and a Human fantasy army. I plan to expand the collection soon, as a friend and I are planning a Lord of the Rings campaign that starts at the battle of five armies.

My next post will include pictures of my most recent terrain projects and hopefully some painted minis  ;D


Steve J

Welcome back and look forward to seeing more of your stuff :)