Local Force Vietcong

Started by alanl, 27 March 2016, 12:19:52 PM

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27 March 2016, 12:19:52 PM Last Edit: 27 March 2016, 12:22:56 PM by alan_lockhart
Looking for suggestions for the above in the archetypical conical straw hats and pyjamas with perhaps rifles, rather than AK47s, although some of these would also be useful for Mainforce VC.

Without photos, I cannot work out if any of the Vietminh would do.

Also, would the Vietminh Assault Poineers pass for the later period?




From memory of my Indo-China stuff pretty much any of the French Indo-China viet minh should do! Maybe not straw hats aplenty but lots of very irregular mostly rifle armed chaps in the ranges.
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Can't now remember why ... but I have this bookmarked


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