Muster on the Parade Ground 2016 now has a Facebook page.

Started by CV10man, 04 March 2016, 03:08:48 PM

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We are delighted to announce that we have just setup a Facebook page for our Muster on the Parade Ground show, so head over and 'Like' us to receive the latest updates as the show get closer:

If you would like more details of our new show or any of the other 40 shows we have staged since 1981 then visit our website:

If you have any questions then either e-mail us at or leave a message on our show answer phone 01642 881625.


Once, when I was trying to get home to Formby I was sold a railway ticket for Thornaby. Good job I checked it before the train arrived.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


As Colour Sargent Bourne said while calling the roll "No Comedians Please". Seriously though the show venue is only a relatively short walk from Thornaby Rail Station so travel to the show is quite possible. So thanks for bringing that fact to the attention of potential visitors to the show.


The show is being held as far as I am aware at the same venue the Battleground shows have been held m/


Muster on the Parade Ground 2016 is being held at the same venue as the Battleground show. For more details see our Facebook page :