19th Century Warfare and War-gaming Facebook Group Update Feb 2016

Started by KTravlos, 28 February 2016, 11:40:55 AM

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We have finished our January-February 2016 Theme which was "The Lions of Judas Roars: The Ethiopian wars of Tewodoros II, Yohannes IV, and Menelik II"

you can find the collected posts in PDF form at http://phdleadhead.blogspot.com.tr/p/19th.html

The March-April 2016 Theme will be the "War of the Pacific 1879-1884"

With Respect


Travlos was that meant to be the 'Lions of Judas' or the 'Lions of Judah', just asking  :)
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


Oh my, I did blow it! It should be Judah. Well lots of fixing need now. I was thinking in Greek and Judas and Judah are both Ioudas in Greek.


Lord Lensman of Wellington
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I have the same problem of thinking in Greek sometimes - without your clear advantage of being able to read, speak or understand it!😀
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on